I'm sorry, but this is getting to me.


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Well-known member
May 2, 2005
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As I browse through the forum, the one thing that jumps out at me is the way everyone here just totally ignores the rules of grammar. Honestly, can we just stop and think before we type? I always have to see posts like "LoL OMG i haet u lolololol!!!!1" and I am sick and tired of it. It doesn't hurt to look at what you type before you click the post button, people.

Most people here are just too lazy. You also have to remember, most of them are around ages 8-13. They enjoy annoying people who know what grammar is. *nod* It's a shame there's not a rule saying you have to use grammar. Although nobody would follow it. You just have to ignore it.

I agree.

I can't stand bad grammar. I can't stand chat/net speak, either. I can't understand half the time what people say. Yeah, my sig states that if you wish to speak to me, use proper english and spelling.

It annoys me only to a certain extent.. Like, I use abbreviations sometimes like "u" for "you" or "r" for "are" etc.. But some people just take it too far. (i.e. Haha, rofl omg! lol u r juz so funi *poked [x] in the head*)

Them kind of thinss annoy me, especially when people use words in * and * to show they're doing something... That bugs me.

Even if they are aged 8-13, they can atleast try to talk properly, Im in that age range, I dont type like some other people..


It annoys me only to a certain extent.. Like, I use abbreviations sometimes like "u" for "you" or "r" for "are" etc.. But some people just take it too far. (i.e. Haha, rofl omg! lol u r juz so funi *poked [x] in the head*)Them kind of thinss annoy me, especially when people use words in * and * to show they're doing something... That bugs me.

Even if they are aged 8-13, they can atleast try to talk properly, Im in that age range, I dont type like some other people..

I sene adults type with netspeak also. It annoys me to no end. How hard is it to type in "you"?

[SIZE=7pt]Yeah, It kinda bugs me....[/SIZE]

I use some chatspeak like, 'LOL', 'cuz' and such, But Like Haze said, Some people take it too far... :huh:

Oh, okay I'll try to type like this and fix up my typing before I 'Add Reply'.

Sorry once again.


Yeah, it cant really ever be stopped permanently.. Maybe this should be pinned, just for a reminder or something.. But yeah, I cant really be stopped.


It annoys me only to a certain extent.. Like, I use abbreviations sometimes like "u" for "you" or "r" for "are" etc.. But some people just take it too far. (i.e. Haha, rofl omg! lol u r juz so funi *poked [x] in the head*)Them kind of thinss annoy me, especially when people use words in * and * to show they're doing something... That bugs me.

Even if they are aged 8-13, they can atleast try to talk properly, Im in that age range, I dont type like some other people..

That's the thing. Since they are ages 8-13, good grammar should be encouraged on this forum.

....You also have to remember, most of them are around ages 8-13. They enjoy annoying people who know what grammar is.... You just have to ignore it.
I'm sorry sweet kandi - but most of them around ages 8 yrs are only just being taught the basics of correct grammar and punctuation at school.

It takes several years to automatically apply all those rules in everyday literacy.

I'm sure they don't use bad grammar just to annoy you! :furawatchi:

Most of them don't even realise / notice that they've written something incorrectly.

Of course, like many 8-13yr olds, they do enjoy annoying people if they think you're telling them what to do....lol (oops, sorry, he he...) - and you're absolutely right - you just have to ignore it!

Best, etc.


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It kinda annoys me, but this board is made up of large age gaps. We have pre-teens and teenagers. We also have people in there 20's and maybe even 30's? Anyway, I haven't used chat speak since I was 11 years old. It has to stop..I don't care if there 8 years old or not. There is an "edit" button. I don't really care about some grammer errors, but typing like this "omgZ 7LYIAR OMGZ$^%%" Is just stupid :furawatchi:

Yeah, ussually new people seem to type in text launguage: rofl, u,r ect. but i dont find it harsh to use lol i dont want to have to type "laugh out loud"

I agree, however I do use "LOL" once in a while... But, if Admin makes it a rule not to use chatspeak (not even LOL), it could get very annoying. There are a few members here who are just learning proper grammar. :furawatchi: Try not to think about it too much, or politely ask them to translate their message.... lol(whoops, it slipped out. XD).


The odd 'LOL' or something doesn't annoy me but hole messages in.......... well.........You could call it [SIZE=14pt]slang[/SIZE] does

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i can stand it to a point. sometimes i will put u for you, 4 for for, and other short forms like that. but if i make a typo that looks like sdkguhdfjhgd i will definately fix it. im all for "lol" and "omg". it makes posting faster... just my thoughts.

I try to type well and with good grammer but some people can't be bothered to proof-read their messages before hitting the "Add Reply" button. I like using the smilies though! :D



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