I'm sorry, but this is getting to me.


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[SIZE=22pt] Sorry to say, but I DON'T agree. Everyone has their own trend, and YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT. [/SIZE]

:D tamagirl777

[SIZE=22pt] Sorry to say, but I DON'T agree. Everyone has their own trend, and YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT. [/SIZE]
:D tamagirl777

I agree with tamagirl777!!!!!!

It's true I alway us it!!!!!!!


How is it a trend by speaking in bad grammar? The only one that I approve of is "lol" because you can easily understand it. But when people say stuff like, "Hayy i no all da tamagothchi codesz!! lololololol pm me," it really annoys me. It shows their lack of knowledge, alot.




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Tamagirl777,How is it a trend by speaking in bad grammar? The only one that I approve of is "lol" because you can easily understand it. But when people say stuff like, "Hayy i no all da tamagothchi codesz!! lololololol pm me," it really annoys me. It shows their lack of knowledge, alot.



Here's proof that talking like that is annoying.

I could barely read that. o_O'

Tamagirl777,How is it a trend by speaking in bad grammar? The only one that I approve of is "lol" because you can easily understand it. But when people say stuff like, "Hayy i no all da tamagothchi codesz!! lololololol pm me," it really annoys me. It shows their lack of knowledge, alot.



"LOL" don't bug me. It's the poor grammar and shorthand that annoys me. I can't understand what people are saying when they use horrible grammar.

Some people can't understand net/chatroom speak.

SOme people can't tell the differnce betwee "wood" and "would" for an example.

Yeah, you do have a point there also.. Its not always just bad grammer/net talk/ but also, people dont spell things correctly. They try to spell something like mouse, and spell it, "mowse" or something. I find it extremely difficult to understand, but I guess they could just be young.


well they just want to shorten their message! i sumtimes do that! AKA right now on 1 word! but i agree you cant just shorten it upfor the whole sentence

how are sum ppl(people) supposed to understand u?

:huh: *tama_fan*

[SIZE=22pt] Sorry to say, but I DON'T agree. Everyone has their own trend, and YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT. [/SIZE]
:huh: tamagirl777
tamagirl777 is true! sum ppl just want to type like that!

can u understand what im even typing? if you dont i correct it but i just used sum short words!

[SIZE=21pt]i dont agree everyone has their own way of typing which u cant change people wanna type the way they want 2 like "u" "r" "omg" "lol" like that and it's not bad if it bothers u so much than ignore it[/SIZE]




p.s hope i wasnt rude

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Yeah I see, (in your sig).. Using "lol" is alright, and "u".. But if you use abbreviations for nearly every single word, then you need to learn proper english..


Yeah, you do have a point there also.. Its not always just bad grammer/net talk/ but also, people dont spell things correctly. They try to spell something like mouse, and spell it, "mowse" or something. I find it extremely difficult to understand, but I guess they could just be young.
Also.. On another forum.. I have a friend who is learning English. She asks people to use proper englisg, grammar and spelling when they speak to her aswell.

Sorry to say, but I DON'T agree. Everyone has their own trend, and YOU CAN'T CHANGE IT.
Yikes, I didn't ask everyone to completly overhaul their lives, just type better. Sometmes some polite newbies ask questions, and I can understand them. I really like helping people but it's hard when I don't know what their problems are.

Yeah I see, (in your sig).. Using "lol" is alright, and "u".. But if you use abbreviations for nearly every single word, then you need to learn proper english..
[SIZE=21pt]i dont do that but even if they did do that it wouldnt really matter because people use there own trend but the important thing is for them 2 be able 2 understand them ya no[/SIZE]


Ristar,It's ok 2 tell ur opinion no 1 said u couldnt we were just sayin 2 make sure we new that u new that we have our own trends sorry if i and others sounded rude 2 u we're sorry(well i am but u no i'm sure everyone else is 2)

I agree, I don't mind when some people skip capitalization now and then, or use OMG! LOL! Those are fine with me. Heck, I used to do that when I first joined. What I really dispise is stuff like:

0mG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 |)0 U |_yK kN0VV |)4 (0|)eZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

(Translation for sane people: Oh my gosh! Do you like know da codez!)

But occasional chatspeak doesn't hurt anyone, no offense. :eek:

I agree, I don't mind when some people skip capitalization now and then, or use OMG! LOL! Those are fine with me. Heck, I used to do that when I first joined. What I really dispise is stuff like:0mG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!111111111111 |)0 U |_yK kN0VV |)4 (0|)eZ!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1111111111

(Translation for sane people: Oh my gosh! Do you like know da codez!)

But occasional chatspeak doesn't hurt anyone, no offense. :)
[SIZE=21pt]i agree i still use like:"u" for you: and stuff like that but i dont use like alot of it i use it so people can understand it[/SIZE]

[SIZE=21pt]i agree i still use like:"u" for you: and stuff like that but i dont use like alot of it i use it so people can understand it[/SIZE]
No offense, but I can barely read anything you ever say. You use run-on sentences and that makes it difficult to know where one sentence starts and when one ends. That's another reason why people should use proper grammar.

look people have there own way of typing and weather you like it or not thats how they are going to type, some come from different country's like japan and some can hardly speak English so they have to use all they know, some people have an accent and type with an accent, ya can't change the way people type ITS THERE WAY!. if you don't like the someone types than just ignore it and go on to the next post, its the only way, don't get into a fight with someone just over the way they type ya jus can't blame them, so get over it cause it's NOT GONNA CHANGE!

P.S. this will probably get closed. :)

No offense, but I can barely read anything you ever say. You use run-on sentences and that makes it difficult to know where one sentence starts and when one ends. That's another reason why people should use proper grammar.
[SIZE=21pt]well i just said i dont type like that anymore,i just use like "u" for you and stuff like that and i'm sorry if i offended u by typing that way but thats just the way i type.U no u can always ask me if u dont understand something that i type cause u shouldnt hide it just cause u think ur gonna offend someone.It's important u understand what people say but igotta tell ya we type the way we like 2 type and we wont change it just cause u wont ask what we're saying if u dont understand it.I also hope i wasnt rude[/SIZE]

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