I'm sort of scared....


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Well-known member
Oct 26, 2006
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Today right before we started to get ready to leave school our teacher gave us a sheet of paper. She said it was about a "suspicious" man who was spotted circling the streets in his car where children of a nearby elementary school walk to school. He was also reported to have been staring at them from his car as he watched them play at recess. I know, this isn't the school I go to, but it is nearby my school, and I'm scared I'm going to see this guy. I am really scared that he's going to come to my school. :blink: Any tips on how to concentrate on my schoolwork and not worry that he's gonna barge in the school any second?

From what it sounds, it seems like the guy is just in his car driving around. I doubt he would come into the school, where there are a lot of adults and many witnesses if he commited a crime.

Just make sure when you walk home to stay in groups. So long as you have other people around you, nothing bad should happen. I mean, you never hear of '5 kids kidnapped while walking home from school.' You only hear about it happening to one at a time, or maybe two.

Just rest assured. Anyone with half a brain wouldn't try to kidnap or do anything to a kid inside of a school.

Mm, i agree with Sweet Kandi,


Its safer to either walk back in groups, take a bus (if possible), or get someone like your mum or dad to pick you up.


This happened once at my school, dont worry- if you really are worried, let your school know!


They'll do something about it.


I hope very much so you wont have to worry too much!


Kind Regards,


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I'm going to agree with all of the above posts.

You should be fine... Last year, There was this guy walking past the school fance and everyone was told to stay away from the fence even though there was teachers there.

Don't worry :]

I won't agree with the post because of the shootings in Virginia Tech. He came in.

You should be fine. There are so many teachers to keep you safe. Also if somthing did happen, stay CALM. Do what most elementary kids practice when someone comes in, ya know the hiding spots thing.

Don't be worried, young one. <33

I won't agree with the post because of the shootings in Virginia Tech. He came in.
You should be fine. There are so many teachers to keep you safe. Also if somthing did happen, stay CALM. Do what most elementary kids practice when someone comes in, ya know the hiding spots thing.

Don't be worried, young one. <33
Thats completely different. This is a suspected child molester, he wouldn't come into the school because the people would call the cops in an instant. he's not a psychopathic gunman.

I won't agree with the post because of the shootings in Virginia Tech. He came in.
Yeah but the difference is that man who shot so many people was a student himself, and he was offered help, but refused it. He's not just some random perv in his car watching little children :(

To stay calm, you can just remind yourself with a Sticky or something that there are teachers and grown-ups to help. The man who you are scared of probably will not come into your school, but not to heighten your anxiety, he MAY come in. 99.99/100 % sure that guy will not enter your school. Why not tell adults about it?

I am not too clear with your story, but I am just trying to help!


I won't agree with the post because of the shootings in Virginia Tech. He came in.
Exactly what I meant when I said, 'anyone with half a brain.'

His intentions were to shoot up the school and then kill himself. He was also a student at that school.

This is just some guy in a car looking at kids. If there's already a letter about him, if one of the staff sees him on campus, they're going to have him instantly arrested or contained. They aren't gonna let him near the kids.

[SIZE=8pt]this happened to our school before. we didnt go outside for recess, and the lunchladys said it was for safety reasons.does ur school have outside locks so only the inside is unlocked and the outside is not? my school does and their is this little doorbell that goes through the office and the people will make sure why he is here.[/SIZE]

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Yeah, you'll be fine. Maybe you should tell your parents and they could pick you up after school. You walk to school???? How old are you?
I don't walk to school, but some kids at a nearby elementary school - that's where he was spotted - walk to school. But only the ones that live close by. I ride the bus to my school.

tell your parents. It really creepy because old men in their cars look at us at the front gate at recess. *shifty eyes* A funny thing happened though:

I was talking to my friends at lunch at the front gate and we heard some 22 year old girl putting her head out of the car window and shouting:


My god it was funny. XD


Try not to worry. It's highly unlikely he'll barge into your school, where many people will witness if any crime were to happen.

This happened at my school once. There was this man who followed a kid that went to my school, and he followed him right up to the front of the school and yelled, "Hey kid! Get in the car!" The kid (who was obviously very scared), got into the school and reported him to the prinicipal. I don't think he was ever caught though.

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Today right before we started to get ready to leave school our teacher gave us a sheet of paper. She said it was about a "suspicious" man who was spotted circling the streets in his car where children of a nearby elementary school walk to school. He was also reported to have been staring at them from his car as he watched them play at recess. I know, this isn't the school I go to, but it is nearby my school, and I'm scared I'm going to see this guy. I am really scared that he's going to come to my school.  :)   Any tips on how to concentrate on my schoolwork and not worry that he's gonna barge in the school any second?
by our school a man has been doing the same thing but he grabed 2 of our students a boy called sam in year 4 and a girl from my class called sandra and i have to come and walk home by myself :furawatchi:also 2 men come in our playground at the start of school woth guns and shot a teacher but shes still alive ^_^

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Trust me, I had a similar experience.

OK, I was at youth club with my friends- they were in the music room. I was playing football, when a load of kids ran out screaming- a hand had tried to grab ~Mickey~. (tt member) I went in to see- I was too small to look out the window, so I got a chair. I saw this guy walking up and down, and then he started walking towards me, with this evil look on his face. I ran and ran, screaming my head off. He was a perve. My cousin has saw him before too. He chased her, saying "come here, little child."

Anyway, just try to remian calm, unlike me. ^_^

This guy probably has mental problems. Just stick together with your friends and you'll be FINE. I the guy does comes in by managing to get past the doors and teachers, he probably wouldn't have the guts (or the gun) to start a shoot-up or something. Your teachers wouldn't let it happen! Do nut wowwy. ^_^

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by our school a man has been doing the same thing but he grabed 2 of our students a boy called sam in year 4 and a girl from my class called sandra and i have to come and walk home by myself :furawatchi:also 2 men come in our playground at the start of school woth guns and shot a teacher but shes still alive :D
How does that make her feel any better?!

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