I'm worried.


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Well-known member
Aug 6, 2007
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I am really worried about my friend.

Today she seemed REALLY zoned out, she was flushed, Shaking, then she got hot, Got water, then went to the nurse, She asked to talk to her sister Ashley, and the teacher wouldn't let her. I asked her what was wrong, She said "Anxiety attacks." She felt as though she was going to puke. She couldn't eat, all she ate was 3 peices of friut and a pudding, She feels as though she has a huge lump in her throat, like a hairball. It is scaring me, she is zoned out alot more now. I aam now getting jittery, I am worried, About her madly.

Does anyone have this too? Does anyoen know what I can do? Does anyoen know a good site to look at?

Please Help me! I am REALLY scared for her. (She finally got to talk to Ashley by the way.)

Please. I am begging.


mabey she can talk to a sicietrest or the school consolar or somthing (if u r afraid to ask just tell her that u feel scared for her and sugjust that to ur friend) :)

First- if you are out of school- talk to your parents. They can help you help her and get the treatment she needs when that happens. If you are at school, you need to go to the nurse [or counselor depending] maybe before class, at lunch or whenever you can go and talk to her about your friends problem. She can help her, talk to her parents [who probably already know but just in case] and can give her a pass to go to the nurse whenever it starts happening.

It'll take a lot of nerve to go to the nurse/counselor and talk about it- I had to when one of my friends wasn't eating and would overdose painkiller it was hard. It's not exactly the same, but both cases are about friends' health.

You can't loose here unless you DON'T go.

If you want to learn more google 'anxiety attacks' or you could just talk to your friend about them. That might be the best person to talk to is your friend. ;]

Anxiety Attacks, ranging from Mild to Severe are actually very common, believe it or not. And if you're Friend is suffering from them, she must tell an adult RIGHT AWAY.

And what a Caring from you are to be worrying about her like that! :rolleyes:

I am currently suffering from severe Anxiety attacks, and I'll tell you what I immediately did to overcome it. I told my Mom and Dad, and they introduced me to a Psychiatriast as quick as possible. She told me things that I could do daily to prevent those future attacks, and what to do to banish the fear all together. From Relaxing strategies to deep Breaths, I was starting to showing signs of progress.

And, something else. If she is experiencing these attacks INSIDE of school, the Teacher should best be aware of it. She should schedule a time that she, her Parent's, and the Teacher can discuss things out for the Better. School should be a comfortable place, as she must attend it every day.

Now that the Principal and Teacher is well aware of my fears and Attacks, they have given me the priveledge to be excused from class whenever I feel an attack coming.

I rush to the washroom, and think about my Strategies. My Mother calls me at Lunch to see how I'm doing, and it calms me down to hear my Mom's voice. I take my Prescribed Medication, and have been able to relax. And I have been tutored at home for a couple of Months to relax myself before I head back.

The best thing the YOU can do is understand her fears, and be there for her when she needs it. And remember, Laughter is the best medicine. Do whatever it takes for her the feel calm and relaxed. And when she has a great friend like you by her side, I'm sure that her fears will be banished in no time. :eek:

I wish this girl the hope to Recover, and to feel better as soon as possible.

im always shaky cause of low blood sugar and i always zone out, but w/ her it sounds alot worse, she should definatyly see a doctor

Thanks for all the help!

Just to let you all know,

She is doing better today, and is returning to normal, I am very happy that she seems better, Though I am on the look out for her getting stressed. If she does have another attack, I am there for her. The first time when I didn't know about it I was still worried! I care about her, we are like Fraternal twins!

Thanks a ton!


I have something exactly like that, and I have no clue what it is. My friends don't really notice cuz we're all weird and I joke around alot to make it seem like nothing is wrong...I have no clue what it could be.

I agree with you!! I went though all that stage when I was Youger too! When I was about 12 I sometimes need to just let go of realaty ( I know I spelled it wrong) I felt sad and just wanted to cry....maybe she's going though that stage....

She is the nicest, goofiest, funniest, craziest person ever, I have never seen her so down before. It scared the crap out of me, we are best friends and liek twins. I would die if anything happened to her. Thank you fo rbeing so supportive. She was close to having nother but it passed.

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