Immature Humor


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Well-known member
Feb 23, 2008
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Pennsylvania ;D
Is there anything that you find just funny even though you know it's pretty immature?

I have a few things

*The fact that "D.ick" could be a guy's name xD

*When someone gets hurt. Not like SERIOUSLY, but like trips or something xD

*Random things that are said in a time that doesn't fit. Example, "I broke my ankle" "I don't care" xDD

So is there anything like that for you?

I'm so immature. Like, serious. I can find a sex joke in anything.

I counted out 69 bracelets so I could say I was wearing 69 bracelets.

I laugh at most things though.

Sexual jokes is up my ally.

Making things so inappropriately.

And commenting people inappropriately.

i love laughing at people when they get hurt

sometimes i think im kind of evil for doing it but its just really funny and

i laugh whenever some one says "come" i just cant help it

I laugh when I hear songs or people talking in other languages (Except Japanese) I'm sorry some languages just sound so funny.

@ Weiwei - Same.

I laugh at other peoples pain and suffering. When I get hurt I laugh, so my natrual reaction is to laugh at other peoples pain.

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In Performing Arts the teacher was like ''Okay, some of Mrs Smith's balls have been broken. Does anyone know who's respondible for this?''. And then she was like ''Play with the balls, just don't throw them around and try not to break them''. I almost peed my pants from laughter.

Explained anything?

^ XD

Oh yeah, today my friend said to 'push it in harder'.

She meant to push the pencil in a piece of paper to make a hole.

That made me laugh.

She was still 'wtf'.

And I laugh at pain of others. Except when I hurt myself xD


I have earned myself several nicknames from times like that.

And Inside jokes.

[Everytime Michael walks past me he says horse pe*is] xD

In art my teacher fell asleep so we all was basically doing what we wanted and one of the boys got a staple gun and started shooting people. And I accidentaly hit white paint all over Jay and it went all over his trousers like in the crouch and it had looked like he'd.........xD If yer smart you'll figure it out. Lol

This is totally irrelivent to the topic but.. I said somthing mean to my friend and she sprayed deoderent in my ear D:<

I laugh when people draw well...weiners on the chalkboard

I laugh at sexual jokes

I laugh at anything

becuz it be funny

and the fat that 69 upside down is well.... 69 xD (Same goes for 96 )

Any Peverted jokes, or things that go in my mind as perverted jokes (almost everything)

When people get mildly hurt.

When people cook and eat animal's "things"

I'm not perverted, (xD) but I laugh at inside jokes.

Like my brother would be like, "Omigoshh he could be a Redead!" And then I'll laugh and convince him not to make me outburst in laughter in public. It makes people stare. xD

All of my inside jokes are soo weird. XD

I was at my friend Maria's house the other day, and on her fridge she has a bunch of misc letter magnets. The whole alphabet is DEFINATLEY not there, so we find it a challenge to see what messages we can come up with and leave on the fridge.

We came up with, "MOM GOT PMS IN MY VAN" and left it on the fridge. We had the letters "O O L E E" left, so we just left "OOLEE" at the bottom. "MOM GOT PMS IN MY VAN OOLEE." I honestly don't know why it was so funny, but it was just HILARIOUS. We were like, rolling on the floor laughing. When Maria's mom came in the room to see what we were laughing at, she was all, "Hahah, what's OOLEE?" And Maria was like, "OOLEE means ugly in Japanese!" (Which it totally doesn't.) And then we started cracking up again, because her mom believed us.

The funniest day of my life was when for April Fool's we told Jimmy (at lunch) that he got his girlfriend knocked up, because we knew they had sex before. He started freaking out. (He's such a redneck XD)

And THEN the "popular" table next to us (Who always make fun of Jimmy, even though Jimmy is OLDER than them. I tell Jimmy he shouldn't take their crap, they're the underclassmen, but he's too much of a wuss to say anything.) started joking about Jimmy, and then Maria screamed, "GUESS WHAT TOM, JIMMY SCORED!!" And Tom was all, "Jimmy, you scored? All right!" And then left. The whole table was in hysterics, because we talked about telling Tom that Jimmy scored, but we never believed we would, because Tom is intimidating. (Leave it to Maria to have no shame. XD)

And THEN, the best part, Tom passes are table again, and Maria goes, "You don't believe us, do you?" And Tom is just like, "Haha, NO."


We still laugh about it. All the time. Honest to God it was the funniest thing. Ten bucks says all the hot popular guys are still virgins, but Jimmy the fat redneck scored before them all. It makes my day. :'D

Um... well that was kind of off-topic... I swear I had another super funny perverted story, but I can't think of it right now. D:

When it comes back to me I'll post it.

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Laughing makes you live longer. At this rate, I'm going to live for a looong time.

I laugh in awkward silences, I laugh at Christmas cracker jokes which are so not funny that they end up being hilarious, I laugh at sex jokes, I laugh at insults - bad or good, I laugh at fails, I laugh at all the wrong times, I laugh at the TV, I laugh with my friends, and I laugh alone.

The one thing I don't laugh at is toilet humour. It just, doesn't amuse me.

Person: Whatt do you find dowwn a toiilet? Winnie the Pooh!!!!11!!1! rofl! Lmao!! Haahaha!

Me: Haha no.

I laugh at other people getting hurt, and I turn almost anything into a 'That's What She Said' joke. xD

whats the 'That's What She Said' joke ?
Anything that is said that could be taken pervertedly pretty much.

Say you say something like... "It's too big." Someone else has the opportunity to say, "That's what she said!" turning it into a perverted sex joke.

For example:

Once in school we went on a field trip to the Spaghetti Warehouse (I know right? hahah) and we were all siting enjoying our drinks. Alexis took her straw out of her drink and then tried to put it back in, but the ice was in the way. She said, "It' won't fit! It won't go back in!" And then Gabby screamed, "THAT'S WHAT SHE SAID!" XD

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