(IMMD) It Made My Day


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Just after midnight my friend Grace told me how this guy I like feels about me so I told him that I like him >.< Long story but yeah...

I talked to Jack, Harry, Chione and Grace on the phone all at once. Then Harry hung up, and then Chione and Grace did too so I was just talking to Jack. We were up til 1:40 am just talking. It was so lovely.

i was looking at how much money i had in my wallet £92.10 WOAAAHHHHHH :D im rich and i have £62 on a Game Station card :D OMGOMGOMG


Receiving my King of Games Deka Tamagotchi earlier than expected made my day. I also just found out that I will be getting another Tamagotchi that I've been looking for (kind of) in the near future. :)

The other day at the opticians, my dad, who doesn't really like the whole concept of contact lenses, agreed to get me some. It was after the lady told me I'd have to start wearing glasses all the time and as I'm already self-conscious as it is, my dad being such a lovely father asked about contacts. IMMD.

- Btw, I have nothing against people wearing glasses, I just have incredibly low self-esteem and not having great eyesight is just another imperfection to me. ;3

Well yesterday my day was made when the guy I recently started crushing on admitted he's liked me for a while now. <3

Then today. Well. Uhm. I made my mom really happy when I told her about it. : D

(23:30) ...Lauren...: maria

i bring you good news

guess what harry dai just said to me

(23:31) maria: omg


(23:31) ...Lauren...: THAT JACK MIGHT ASK YOU OUT

(23:31) maria: omg i bet its bad

omg what




'scuse me how the f,ck did that happen

(23:31) ...Lauren...: 11:28pm jack might ask maria out.


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The beautiful weather outside makes my day, especially considering all the rain we've had lately.

Having a day devoted to myself, when I could just rest and do my own things, made me smile. :)

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Hanging out with family and playing Mario Kart and Mario Party on Wii with my boyfriend made my day. :)

My gym teacher was in a good mood and took us all outside to have a snow-angel contest and play football in the snow xD

Knowing that almost all of my family is coming today :)

Sadly, it's for a bad occasion. ):

I got to hang out with two of the greatest people ever today. While hanging out with one of them, we went gallivanting all over town. I was on a hunt for Tamagotchi products. My friend regards me with slight exasperation at this point but kindly takes this as one of my lovable quirks and humors me. :) I was disappointed to find that WalMart and Toys 'R' Us only had the first wave Tama-Go items. I found something different at my Target though. They were on sale too! Needless to say, I snagged all the figurines available. :D


No Shimashimatchi, Makiko, or Ponytchi figurines in sight for me yet but I was thrilled to see the new colors of the TMGO available and the figurines.

Also, I'm a patient care volunteer at a hospital and one of the volunteer coordinators told me that the unit on which I volunteer gave me very positive feedback for the work I've done and so I was offered to become a unit volunteer trainer. This also made my day. :)

There is a eight year old girl who catches the bus. I don't even know her name.

She keeps poking me. She said she had something to show me today. She pulled out her iPod and showed me a picture of a girl in just her underwear... revealingly. I ask her about it and she said she doesn't know who it is, but she took the picture on her iPod. Then she did her craaazy laugh.

...Her iPod doesn't have a camera. Meaning she uploaded it to iTunes. I'm worried.

I'm getting my second Bachelor's degree and I just found out that I got a 4.0 GPA for this past semester, my first semester, of nursing school. That definitely made my day. :)

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