Imperfection is beauty


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Yeah, I have a round face, I never get a tan, I'm kinda... how should I say this... "chubby", my nose is way too big, my brows are weird and plucking doesn't do any good for 'em, aaaaand I'm sooo short. :3 But I'm beautiful and I love myself ~

EDIT: Forgot to mention my acne and no sense of style and that I suck in all the sports but the list goes on, so... : DD

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My hair is very thick and curly :/

I have ALOT of acne

My spine isn't correct (I have scoliosis)

I have a high-pitched voice

I'm SUPER skinny (it's not good)

I'm REALLY tall

My bewbs aren't exactly the same (one's alot bigger than the other)

ADHD :l I have spaz attacks alot, which makes people think I'm crazy and hate me

I may have arthritis one day

I have a huge gap in between my teeth

I'm Puerto Rican and Polish so my skin's in the middle, so when I tell people I'm Spanish they don't believe me because I have American-looking skin

I'm very smart. People call me a nerd

I wear glasses

I will always have a huge blue scar on my shin

But that's the way I am <3 and I'm loving every second of it.

I used to have braces and I got teased about them but I took no notice. I also used to get teased about being a christianand that had a bif affect on me but now I'm fine xD

Well, I'm short. At least compared to everyone at my school who's ridiculously tall. (I'm like 5'5.)

And I'm not skinny. But I'm not fat either. I'm thick, lol.

I do have acne, but it is much better compared to what it was a few years ago. I've got a ton of blackheads on my nose that won't go away. >;O

I've got huge thighs. :angry:

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