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Well-known member
Dec 17, 2005
Reaction score
*sob* Hi everyone,

I lost my Tamagotchi earlier today at lunchtime, I put my lunchbox down for break (with my Tama in it) and when I came inside from outside, I forgot to take my lunchbox, and now my lunchbox-and my Tamagotchi- are gone. I asked teachers and they say they never saw it, maybe someone took it? I don't know, I really want my Tama back though!


P.S. I can still help out others, I still know everything as I used to.

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Thats what happened to my friend's tamagotchi. She just found it today under a whole bunch of clothes and blankets.

do you have a lost and found or something like that?

my friend set hers down (for who knows why!) on a stone wall outside in october, , and forgot all about it for some reason, luckily one of my classmates apparently found it about a block away from our school in the begining of november , and gave it to his little sister (boys in our school HATE tamas!) and she played with it , later , about in the begining of december ...eh il reply and finish later

You guys have to be more careful. There should be NO REASON AT ALL to set down your Tamagotchi, or any electronic device, at any time outside of your home, because it WILL get stolen. I know from experience.

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