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Well-known member
Apr 16, 2005
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I am leaving for a bit, while Lozzie's special nomination on June 27th 2004, Lozzie became the first Tamaguide!, I will get back on that date, just notifying everyone to wish Lozzie a happy special day, and for you to notify her!

Yes, I've seen her in the TamaGuide "records". She hasn't been here a long time..... Enjoy your leave G + J.


Yes, I've seen her in the TamaGuide "records". She hasn't been here a long time..... Enjoy your leave G + J.JC

I'm back! And came early got home yesterday when I should've got hear hours later, it was my idea to leave because there were a lot of benefits if we went home early, and since we told the registration desk, and since we had some problems, they said the problems weren't supposed to happen so we saved over $1,300, because our total was $0.00! I can't believe that the rest of the family didn't think of it, it was raining anyway, so we couldn't see the lake sunset by the marina, adn we got home over 10:00 and I went to bed around 10:53!

The old topics in the Private Guide area's.JC
Aw man!, So we can't view it since were not TG's right?

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