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Aug 9, 2007
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Here! :)
Hey, all! So I went to see this with my boyfriend over the weekend and I thought it was pretty trippy and amazing. Thoughts? Theories? I can potentially see this getting a little spoiler-ish, so beware, I guess, for those who haven't seen it and don't want to accidentally read up on it. Just make your text white, I suppose, in order to conceal things. :ph34r: Thanks, guys!

' date='July 26, 2010 08:56 am'] I didn't get to see it, but the trailers look amazing. o; My brother saw it three times, and he said it was amazing. I really want to see it. :DD
The trailers and TV spots are pretty awesome but they don't do the movie complete justice. Wow, your brother's already seen it 3 times? I'd love to see it again too. You can get the gist of it after seeing it once but I think it's one of those movies where you have to see it more than once to appreciate it more. You'll defintely notice more things you didn't notice the first time around. The movie makes you ponder things and pushes you to actively think and process while watching it, as opposed to just sitting there and taking things in passively. As soon as the movie finished, I loved how everyone just turned to each other and starting talking about it quite enthusiastically. There are also a few cheeky and humorous parts in it that can make anyone chuckle. I do hope you get the chance to see it! :)

I hear its greaaaat. I really want to see it. But I don't want to see The Last Exorcism trailer. o;
Even the name sounds pretty gnarly. :angry: I'm not a big fan of horror movies either. Maybe come in about 10 minutes after the listed movie start time so that most of the trailers are skipped? Don't do that on a weekend night though, at least not for another week or so. We originally wanted to go to the 9:35 pm showing on a Friday night, got there, was sold out. We went to the 10:20 pm one instead, hung out at a nearby Barnes and Noble to kill time, came in as the trailers were starting and the entire theater was PACKED. Let's just say that we were leaned back way into our seats and craning our necks up at the screen the whole time, as the only seats left were in the front row, but it was defnitely worth it. :)

^ Hahah, yeah, I'd just have to do that. I hear the critics saying that this is such a good movie, and a lot of the movies that have been coming out lately suck. xP So I won't let a little horror movie preview stop me. xD

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I think Inception was an easy film. I don't see how it has a cliffhanger, but it was very suspenseful. Also, I'm going to love watching The Last Exorcism.
Easy would not be the word I would use to describe the movie, but okay. :( It's not necessarily impossibly difficult either. The concept of a dream within a dream within a dream hasn't been explored in that manner before (at least in nothing I've ever seen before) so I thought that was kind of neat. It was visually appealing as well. Only Christopher Nolan could explore the depths of the human psyche while making everything look beyond amazing. Cliffhanger? How about at the end when he *spun the totem and it started to wobble* right before the movie cut off? Sure, it's not like a WHOA, MINDBLOWING, action-packed, edge-of-your-seat cliffhanger, but I would consider it as a type of one. I'm not trying to stir up the pot or anything, I was just wondering if maybe you caught that. Also, I love how open the movie is to interpretation and debate. Definitely suspensful, especially *in the first dream when they were rolling down the embankment, right before the kick*. There was never a more vulnerable and dangerous time for them than in that scene, in my opinion.

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It was wiggling so much, it would fall. He's in the real world. But INCEPTION is definitely one of my favorite movies. They made the possibility of anything turn into a mature thrill ride.
That is true, about your reality comment. The thing is though, it was his wife's totem. So wouldn't that make it completely unreliable for him? If he was in the real world, why were his kids wearing the same thing and were in the exact same position as he last remembered them? I dunno, just something I was thinking about. It's most certainly one of my favorites as well. :(

1. It's a symbolic thing, the kids wearing the same thing.2. The totem used to be hers but she locked it up.
1. Symbolic of what, though? That time stood still while he was away? In reality, that doesn't happen. They should have probably aged a bit as well. Well, symbols could have different meanings, so who knows?

2. I hadn't thought of it that way but you could also argue that she wasn't locking it up so that she wouldn't or couldn't use it anymore (thereby making it not hers and completely open for another person to use), but by locking it in her own safe in her mind, she made it even more "hers," if that makes any sense. ;)

Okay, so I saw this movie again this weekend and I must say that I love it even more. :gozarutchi: This time, I kicked back (didn't sit as close to the screen this time :mametchi: ) and allowed myself to concentrate more on the musical score, since I already knew what the story was about.

I saw it yesterday and it was pretty amazing. I don't remember the last time I saw a movie that made me think so hard about it, even hours after it ending.

^ I know what you mean. I'm STILL thinking hard about it, even weeks after seeing it. Will probably see it again in the near future. ;) I can't get enough of Joseph Gordon-Levitt. :D I love the music too. The music just moves me.

Saw it a while ago, I must say it was an extremely good movie. I was biting my nails through most of it.

I just saw it again yesterday for the 3rd time :D and I was still all tense (in a good way ;) ) over it. I took my family to go see it, they loved it as well. Especially my dad, since he's a big action person. I love how Nolan has a bit of everything in it: action, humor, and a mind-bending plot. I also can't stop listening to the soundtrack.

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