Info on the Chibi/Mini.


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Sep 5, 2004
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Not too long ago i won a Umi-no and a Chibi (mini) tama!

And, there are so many questions about it, so i am going to answer them here. But, 1st, a short review

The Tamagotchi Mini is really simple. It is 66% the size of the P1/P2/Ocean/Angel/etc... . When they said small, they mean small. It is really small.

Simple aswell. There are no icons, you just use the (a) butten and it will come up with what the Mini needs. If it needs nothing, the (a) butten will not do anything.

The Mini also does not play games.

I have not had it long enough (i have only had it like 30 mins), so i do not know if it poops or not, but i asume it will. I am not sure about getting sick aswell.

Another thing that was interesting is that there is no baby stage. It just goes right into a Marutchi.

The Mini also has the ability to turn the sound off and on, but, i cannot see a way to pause it. It also has a clock mode, but it is really simple.

I am now going to quote afterglw:

The Mini is for the hard-core tama fans.
I would have to say i agree. Its simple, but great. Some would say its a wast of money because it does not do much...

If anyone has any questions about the Mini, please feel free to ask them here. Also, if their are anymore Mini owners, if they want to comment something, or correct something etc..

Thanks ;)


I just found out that it can poop. It just did one then. I pressed (a) and the wiper came accross the screen as normal. I am planning to take some photos soon, although, i may end up not doing that :D ....

Any questions? Comments?

it sounds brilliant.

i was put off buying one because of what people had said, but now i really want one agtain!

thnx for the review :D

Its ok! I am planning to take some pictures and post them in the Photo Galery.

Also, i just saw a picture in the instructions, so i now beleve they can get sick.

pictures would be really good, especially if you took a pic of one next to a regular sized tama. then we could actually get an idea of how small they are. People keep saying they are tiny but i wanna how how small in relation to a regular tama! hehe

Yep, i just took pictures next to a v2, and some screenshots. But, i am having some trubbles uploading it to the TamaTalk Photo Galery . So, i think ill have to use PhotoBucket or something like it... Unless the problem is fixed.

So, any other questions? COmments?

yep they do get sick. and they only have two stages, marutchi and then their adult stage.

here's a picture of it next to my garden:

and just another picture:

they're cute, but to tell you the truth, i wish i'd saved my money. i'm a huge tama fan (i have mesu/osu, garden, angel, three connections, two v2s), but i'd rather have saved my money for an ocean or something. i knew these wouldn't have the same features, but i didn't know they'd have so few. so, just a warning: even if you're an avid tama fan, you might be disappointed! they are really cute, though. i'll concede that much. :p

yep they do get sick. and they only have two stages, marutchi and then their adult stage.

here's a picture of it next to my garden:

and just another picture:

they're cute, but to tell you the truth, i wish i'd saved my money. i'm a huge tama fan (i have mesu/osu, garden, angel, three connections, two v2s), but i'd rather have saved my money for an ocean or something. i knew these wouldn't have the same features, but i didn't know they'd have so few. so, just a warning: even if you're an avid tama fan, you might be disappointed! they are really cute, though. i'll concede that much.  ;)
yeah. I agree. That also releates to what i quoted what afterglw said before.

I have had it going all day. I really am enjoying it. Any other questions? Comments?

edit: My one just turned into a Mametchi! Its so cute! :lol:

EDIT AGAIN!: I uploaded some pictures to Photobucket. - That is my mini next to a ConneXion2. - It is a screen shot og it sleeping with the light on.

(sorry for the bad quality pics). I may take some more soon.

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I doubt they will ever make it to austraila. I wish, as i also live in aussie land. I think they may be going to amarica, but i doubt austraila.

Wow! They're really small!! I havent seen them in the UK either so I dont think they r out yet around here...... :angry:

for all you people that are saying "i dont think they are out here yet" they are'nt out anywere but Japan. Bandai will release them in US but i think they said in the fall?

At tamalove, they said the mini would be out at July, but then I did some searching and has September for a release date. :angry:

I think they will only be about $9 when they come to the US, so I'd hardly consider that a waste of money, especially because they're so cute! It's unfortunate that there are no games, but a mini would just be fun to carry around on your purse or phone and could be easily checked class without causing too much of a disturbance ;o)

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