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Well-known member
Dec 7, 2008
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Yeah, I am inSANE. This is my new account because I kinda-sorta forgot my old password. And TT kept saying that my valadation code was wrong so I decided to make a new account. And the car crash part. A couple of weeks ago me, my friend, and his mom were hit by two drunk drivers while we were driving back from our friend's little sister's bat mitzvah. We were hit at an angle making the car tip over. Then the second car came and skidded into us. My friends mom got KO'ed (knocked out) so we were sitting on the side of the highway alone (mind you we are both fifteen) with three smashed cell phones (mine, his, and his mom's). I had a 'laceration' from the side of my wrist up to my shoulder because of the glass and I dislocated both of my middle fingers and the pinky on my right hand. My friend broke his elbow and had a massive scrape on his back. His mom got a concussion(sp?) and I don't know about the drunk drivers. So there we were two blood soaked teenagers on the side of the road. A load of people stopped and started calling the paramedics and police. We were kept in the hospital for a week and we were released. So yeah. I couldn't type, which is why I forgot my password. I feel reallllllllllyyyyy lucky and I apreciate life alot more. My fingers hurt now....

Aw...I'm glad you're better.

That must have been a really bad experience.

Holy crap ! D:

I'm just glad you're okay. It could have been a lot worse.

Good to see you back D;

There needs to be a no tolerance policy for drunk drivers. I actually know people who have been pulled over a number of times for this. They need to lose their licenses. I can maybe see the first time, you get a major warning/fines/impound/suspension but if you are caught any time after that, you need to be yanked off the road for ever.

I'm glad you are ok. :huh:

Thank god you're okay D:

That would have been such a scary thing to expirience.

They need to lose their licenses.
They do lose a license. Including their job.

Stupid way to lose anything.

Anyway, I'm glad your okay. :3

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It's nice to know people care about stuff on tama talk. The bad thing is, is that neither of the drivers contacted my friends mom to offer compensation...

I've never been in a car crash, but one of my friends got hit by a drunk driver. Her and her fiance, he died in the crash but she lived to the hospital. She died the next day. It was really sad :furawatchi:

I've never been in a car crash, but one of my friends got hit by a drunk driver. Her and her fiance, he died in the crash but she lived to the hospital. She died the next day. It was really sad :furawatchi:
That's really sad. Its horrible to know that people would actually drive drunk. But then again you don't know what you are doing when you are drunk... :unsure:

I've never been in a car crash, but one of my friends got hit by a drunk driver. Her and her fiance, he died in the crash but she lived to the hospital. She died the next day. It was really sad :furawatchi:
The same thing Happend to one of My mom's Good Friends Last Week [thursday]

The Drunk Driver Got Charged on account of Impaired Driving Causing Death [2 People died, My mom's friend and another person]

I've never been in a Car accident before, And I hope I never get the Chance.

That's sad. I'm sorry for you. I hate people who drink and drive.

Yay for you. You used a medical word in your post. (laceration)

Yay for you. You used a medical word in your post. (laceration)
The only reason I know it is because of the My Chemical Romance song "Our Lady of Sorrows"

Holy snizzle. o_o Glad you're OK! And I got the same glitch, too. o_O

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