Inside Jokes


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Well-known member
Oct 20, 2007
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United States. Midwest. KS.
I know my friends and I have a ton of inside jokes. What are yours?

[i know if you tell the stories behind them it's really not an inside joke anymore if everybody knows, but who cares. xP]

Woobydoog. I was at a baseball game with a few friends. Nicole had a mouthful of Pepsi and tried to say 'what are we going to do now' and it came out "Woobydoog?". We started laughing so hard. xD

TREE. In science last year, I wasn't paying much attention during reading or a video. Noel sat right behind me, so I leaned back, and shared my random thought with her. It ended up, "Tree is a funny word..." I don't know, it just was at the time. Later they screamed TREE at me and I cracked up laughing. I have no idea why. xD

CHK. Nicole and I were online, and she wanted to check her email.. When she said 'check my email', it sounded like 'CHK my email'. We, for some reason, thought it was funny.

Spiderbuggie. Hahah.. It started with a handshake that involved the Spiderman symbol. Nicole almost accidently typed buggy instead of buddy, and we combined the two to become... Spiderbuggies. xDDD

There are so many more, but I don't want to kill you with a long post. ^^

Any interesting inside jokes?

'What I said in the car' Between me and Nicole only. I said something completely awfully, incomprehendable in the car one time. And now we both use it to describe awful things.

'New York Times' In history, we did career testing. Each group has three people and me and my friends at my table were comparing answers. I got 'Newspaper editor'. Meg got 'Publisher.' Mark got 'Delivery guy' (Well....not worded that way.) So. I'm going to edit the NY Times. Meg is gonna publish them. Mark will help deliver.

Andrew: Hey! I said don't tell me all the details!

Me: I didn't.

Andrew: Oh God...

He had a dream once where he did... something while sleeping (in his dream) and he woke up with Taylor next to him. My hand was on his face and he said "What happened? And please leave out the details." I then gave a graphic description of what he had just done (don't ask) and then that dialogue happened. Kinda funny if you get it.

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During Social Studies we went to computers instead, but my teacher made us look places up on Google map.

He asked this boy in my class to pick a country/city to find. He said, "Ok...go to Pakistan and find the capital of it."

So me and my friend Crystal were looking but we didn't know what the heck the capital was, and it seemed like all the city names, hard to pronounce.

The boy told us what the capital city was, and we tried to look for it.

"Here it is! Is...Lama...Bad? Who's a bad llama?" Crystal said, tilting her head.

"Uh...I think it's pronounced with an accent." I told her, laughing.

"Ohh I'm going to Islamabad this summer! Do you want to come with me?" she asked me in a joking vocie. I nodded.

"Sure!" I said, then we both began to sing.

"We're off to go to Islamabad! The wonderful Islamabad! Because of all the wonderful things it has. Duh nu nu nu nu nu nu!"


My Sister have a thing with the Pokemon Sudowoodo. Why? She has a little stuffed one and man...she's a comedian. xD

Babies taste like cough mixture.

Weird conversation we had in which I wasn't listening properly.

Tanya: -eating chocolates- This has liquor in it.

Me: What has Mika in?

Tanya: This chocolate. It's got booze in it.

Me: Oh. Liquor.

Tanya: It tastes like cough mixture.

Me: Lovely.

Tanya: Bailey's tastes like cough mixture.

Me: That's nice.


Me: Why do babies taste like cough mixture?

"Shut up talking" Well, during choir one day, everybody was being really loud and talking and stuff, so this kid in my grade shouted out "SHUT UP TALKING PEOPLE!!!!!!!!" And I started cracking up. xD So when I see him and he's talking to his friends or something, sometimes I'll come over and say, "shut up talking!" to him.

My friend, apparently, lives in a bar. Interesting eh?

I'm walking to my car, and Sara hangs up on her cell phone and waves at me. We start talking. Sara goes all "I have to take the stupid bus..." I look at her, and ask "Where do you live?"

Sara answers "Far." But, I heard 'bar.' There's a little, two second pause, before I go "Why do you live at the bar?"

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