Inside jokes


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"High off smencils."


"The crab stab!"

"Happy 'ohh nine."


ahhahah. :D , that's me and my cool algebra friends.

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"Eat green stuff"

The story:

I was texting my friend. I told her I got this snack. Last Time I got it, it didn't include exercise tips (on the label it said "comes with healt and exercise tips!!!!!") I got the snack again and it did have exersice tips. I was like "It has exersice tips!!!" and told her the entire story.

On Valentine's day, we were writing cards to people. I wrote one to my friend saying "It does not include exersice tips D;"

She gave me one back saying "It does include exersice tips!!" Inside it said "Eat more green stuff"

So there xD

Er... I can think of only four that are appropriate.

"CHOP SUEY"- all of my friends

"The fence wouldn't open..." me and danny

"Hey world! I'm an albino, satanist, goth person, who eats human flesh!" all of my friends

"Who watches the Watchmen? Er... no one yet because the movie hasn't come out yet, genius! So we can only read the Watchmen." me and Gabe.

Fun Duck :(


me and brianna were wrestling on my front yard :) (this was a couple years agoooo!)

and I pushed her down and she like smacked my arm or something,

well, I pretended to get mad, I looked down at her and I yelled "YOU....FUN DUCK!" and we started laughing our 9 year old heads off

ahaha :)

This will take a long time..........

Me at school:


'To the LRC(Learning resorce centre), bom bom bom bom bom'

'Act your shoe size, not your age'

'Can you walk any slower?'.....'Yes, need a demo?'

'Moth Girl'


'You giant turd'

Me and Ksenia:

'Mini Bra'


'Poop you'

'Time zones sule (yes, sule)'

Me and Emmy


'Typo godess'

'White stuff'



Well, there very inapropreat, lil kids go on these boards, but when ever she talks about marige, I remember something she did at ten, we laugh and people are like 'whut'

"I don't understand, why don't they just kill obama, i mean osama bin laden?XD"-ML

(its funnier in real life)

''Yes we can'' ~ Me and Jen.

I don't remember how it started. I remember a saying that goes ''True friends come when you dont remember how your inside jokes started''. There.

me, and my friend, we once asked a grade 1:

"are u a noboll person?" the little girl said no! lol! :( !

me asked a grade 6 boy:

"are u a noboll person?" he said yes! lol! :D !

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