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Well-known member
Jan 2, 2008
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Minnesota, USA
I have insomnia, it affects how I sleep. Most nights I get no/ or very little sleep, but on some I fall asleep at 3:00 am, minimum. Is there any strategies to help me get to sleep at night, so I can wake up for school in the morning?


1) finish your homework early so your not up all night

2)dont have caffine (including chocolate)

3)go to bed earlyer

4)uuuuhhhhhh...... count sheep or something

5)take a (hot) bat h or shower every night to stay clean and get sleepy

hope my advice helps :mametchi:

XD I dont get that choice yet LoL Im a middle schooler *Cheesy Grin*.

Thanks for the advice. I think insomnia is actually a syndrome or something, but thanks for the advice, I'll try it out.


I have insomnia. I've actually been on medication for it for about 3 years.

What you could try is drinking warm milk and eating a banana before bed, taking a hot shower or bath, reading or maybe watching tv to fall asleep.

If it doesn't get better and you really can't fall asleep, I'd suggest seeing a doctor about it.

Sometimes it's difficult to fall asleep, especially if you have things on your mind... even if it's just worrying about the fact that you can't get to sleep :)

This may sound strange, but try taking more physical exercise each day. If you ride a bus, try going out for a work or joining a sports / gym class, etc.

If your body feels exercised and tired (but not exhausted!) at the end of the day, you usually find it easier to snuggle down into your bed and drift off to sleep.

If you spend the last part of the evening just before going to bed doing a lot of mental exercise - including ("ahem*) internet / forum activities, playing video games, etc. you can find it difficult to "switch off" - so you might want to try to avoid that kind of stuff too :mametchi:


if you are on the computer for a long long time.. stop doing that, minimize your time on the computer.. or take a 20 min break every hour, i used to have insomnia.. the computer has lights in it that make you unable to sleep.. so try minimizing your time and follow the steps ohter people say

I notice I sleep Waaaay better now that I am moving around ALL day! My job is completely physical. I'm climbing around on stuff, carrying things and running around up and down stairs all day. When I get home, sometimes I just sleep!

Before I started that job, I had a very hard time sleeping and had intermittant periods of insomnia lasting a month or two at a time. Since I am exercising way more, that has gone away just about completely.

what i do to get to sleep is put music on, open my window, wear comfertable things to bed,

before bed: turn on your light and watch tv and just like stare at it till your eys get sleepy. it helps me.

I have this too. Ahaha...Mostly, its due to my ADHD.

Theres medicatin, but I wouldnt take it.

I like to take a whole bunch of super-caffanatied things, and they were you down..other than that, I have nothing. I still have trouble sleeping

I have trouble sleeping when there is light. And I have a HUGE 10 feet by 6 feet window, and very thin blinds that let in so much light from that stupid streetlamp outside my window that I can pick up a book and read it no problem. So I just dont sleep. I stay up until four or four thirty in the morning and use makeup to hide the ultra-dark circles uner my eyes.

Before going to bed you must have done everything you had to do, not been on the computer or done anything which strained your eyes too much.

If you wear yourself out during the day, it also makes it easier to get to sleep. Happy days also give you happy thoughts to think about - and I have noticed that when I am happy I get to sleep before when I am not happy.

Also make sure you are sleeping at the right temperature. If it is too hot, you may need to take off a blanket or two, and if it is too cold, add an extra blanket.

But yes, sometimes it is hard to sleep.

You can take a Tylenol before bed because it makes you drowsy. Don't take vitamins or eat chocolate/caffeine before bed because vitamins give you a boost somewhat and so does caffeine, obviously. Tylenols always help before bed for me. And if you just can't get to sleep for a while turn the light back on and read a book. If light is bothering you, shut your door or close your blinds. If the light is unavoidable, get one of those sleep masks that cover your eyes and block out light.

Not being able to sleep on Sunday night because you were partying on the weekend is always a real pain. Hope you can sleep!

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