Interesting (and possibly embarassing) Facts


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i can sing my abc's 3 ways, forwards, backwards and in spanish.

i can tie my shoes 3 different ways, righty, lefty, double bunnye ears.

i am SO scared of spiders its not funny. i actully ran out of my shower beacuse one was in there. EWWW.

i am an over acheiver. i play,guitar, flute, i do soccer softball, dance, chorus drama, band, and i STILL manage to get straight A's.

i am addicted to skulls. like everytime i see something with a skull on it i scream SKULL and beg my mom to buy it. i have quite the skull collection. i have a skull hoodie, (in which i am wearing right now), skull pajama pants, (which i am aslos wearing now), skull shoes, a skull bikini, a skull necklace, skull shoelaces, skull tshirts, skull wallet, OMG the list is endless.


man i post alot in this topic.

EDIT: i have skull socks too.

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- More stuff!

- I love putting tissues on my tongue...I love the feel of tissues melting!

- I am so much taller that the average 12- year old. Everyone says I look 15 =/

- I am a 12-year girl who LURVEZ <3 Dragonball Z xP It's PWNSOME!

- I get weird and childish and really really hyper sometimes..

- I lead a double life~ I love rock, I'm hyper, cheerful and stuff. But at school I'm quiet, I respect the rules, I get good grades etc.

- I get good grades, but I always do my homework before lessons or during breaks. I NEVER do my homework at home =]

- I really hate popular stuff. I like being different =)

- I can't sleep with out my winnie the pooh =[!

- I hate organised rooms/desks etc! Although I clean my room, I don't like it neat and petite. I love clothes scattered everywhere. I can't live in organised stuff. Once my friend arranged my locker during a free lesson and I was like What The Puffles?!!!!! I am the type of girl who puts a piece of paper on her desk and after a minute she doesn't find it =D =] =P xD


-Once I thought a Tuner was a gameboy. xDD

-I love my tuner. <3 I named him Kory [He was made by KORG]... But one thing I hate about him is that he tells me I'm play Eb when play E natural... o_o

-Secretly talk to the school's Tuba. O_O I said "One day, I SHALL PLAY YOU! >:3"

-I have something like a double life. At school, I'm quiet and content. At home, I'm hyper and happy. O_O

- I have a scary obsession with photography and cats

- When I'm home alone, I sing and eat. A lot.

- When I get embarrassed, I remember it for a looong time, it sucks.

- I feel I am academically smarter than most of my peers

- Sometimes I'll be too lazy to shower before school so I put a lot of hair product in my hair to make me smell nice. I'm such a dirt.

- I feel people constantly copy my looks, hobbies and interests. It makes me REALLY mad.

- My bangs are past my nose.

I'll write more later.

There are almost too many bizarre facts about me to count. My life is one big 'moment'. Whenever one of my friends spaces out, falls over or says something random or airhead-sounding, all my other friends will be like, "It's an Esther moment!". But I love them really. <33

- I eat things that are either way too high in sugar or are not actually supposed to be edible (crayons, glitter, etc). And I still manage to stay freakishly slim.

- I pickpocket people when I hug them. Then I give back whatever I stole and start laughing.

- I have the most random songs on my iPod, and sing along to them whenever they start playing. (Me: IT'S PEANUT BUTTER JELLY TIME!)

- I draw on my hands and toenails. And show my illustrations to people.

- I have no idea what Geography is all about, and my attempt to place all the countries on a World Map was a disturbing fail.

- Sometimes I'll pair the randomest clothes together and stay home all day being random.

- When I go out to malls with my friends, we are the only ones who find our random antics funny.

- I talk too much. Seriously, waaay to much. Even to myself. It's odd.

There are really too many things to count. And here are some interesting, slightly more normal facts about me:

- I love to be loved. When guys feel protective over me/hug me, I am at my happiest.

- I love it when people play with my hair.

- I'm one of the rare 7th graders who doesn't find 'The Miracle of Life' absolutely gross.

- I sneeze raisins. (That one was a joke)

- I have friends who are, quite literally, mental.

- I never stop drawing. -Thank you dA-

- My friends got me in an obsession with drawing pancakes..?

- I've been Divorced and Married a hundred times. o3o

- Everything which involves me = Epic Failure.

- I get really impatient if I don't eat. I mean, who doesn't?

- When I get sucked into a book, I can't stop reading it. ._.

- I daydream big time and especially when listening to music.

Oh teh noez. >.<

I like Arthur, yeah the PBS ardvark show. *teehee*
Oh my gosh,

Arthur is my hero, ahah, I love him :3 <3


- I'm obsessed with chocolate milk :)

- I hate being chased, when people chase me I like freak out, and drop to the ground ahaha xP

- I snap funny, when i snap, I dont pull my middle finger back to make the sound, I push my thumb towards my pinky haha

- I get obsessed with famous people, :furawatchi:

- I watch baby shows like Arthur, and then I watch CSI and X Files

:) I can't think of anythinnggg

-Whenever I play Majestia, then theres the Bass drum solo, I always sing it obnoxiously. xDD

-I sing Star Wars music obnoxiously too. [Especially Raiders March and Revenge of the Sith. ._.]

-I sing the beginning of Legend of the Alhambra. o.o;

- I am overly protective of Big Baby when other people try to touch him, but once almost dropped him. ._.;

-Sometimes I sing parts from "An American in Paris". <3

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- Sometimes, when I listen to music, I try to make a choreograph in my head.

- I secretly dislike some of my "friends."

- I like being alone, but I hate being by myself.

- Sometimes, I obsess over something / someone, and then later, I don't really care for them / it.

- I own clothes that I don't wear.

- Ryan Higa, Sean Fujiyoshi, Andrew Bravener, John (DudeNeedaEaseOnUp), Aubrey (HurricanAubrey), Rachel (kokiriforest), Phil (AmazingPhil) -- =D

- I faint at the sight of blood

-I have slight papyrophobia (fear of paper) it's hard to explain, don't worry I can still be near it :)

- I love every possible food that exists. well, except for bacon. Even escargot, lamb, mussels, asian stuff, you name it.

- I have an 81 average

- my best friend calls me stewart/stew (it's just automatic)

- I am almost 13 (in 1 month)

- right now I am typing this ovr the toilet xD :lol:

- I can move my lips in special ways

- I am right handed, but do my double jumps (In skating) the leftie way

- I use herbal essences

- I love the Puma brand now, I really want some Puma shoes..

- I loooove Webkinz, even though it's for 8 year olds

- when I grow up I want to have 4 kids

- I love sports, except for basketball

- I always sing when I am home alone

- I love old music

- my locker is was filled with 9 shirts, a pair of track pants, 1 soccer ball, 3 binders, 1 shoe and a spilled orange juice bottle (why it smelled so bad, I cleaned it out though :D :D

- I am insanely messy

- people call me Tess the Mess

I got too many to count..

But rawr, I shall tell you some.

-I used to wet the bed and only stopped like at the begginning of this year.

-I fall over alot. Thats interesting, right?

-I like to say like.

-I glitter glue my hand everyday after school.

-I love to siiiiiiiing, even though I am horrible at it and sound like a nervous ant.

-I broke my teacher's phone today :000

-I drink ketchup. I mix it with milk and drink it. YUMMMMM!

And there you are.

:mellow: You rock
I know. :3

-I draw smiley faces on my hands, only on the days I have Jazz band. xDD

-I carry my band folder with me, even when band is 5th period. ._.

-I scream "TUBA SOLO!!!" on TC, and that freaks people out. xD

-My Tuba music is neater than my Trombone music. o.o;

-I'm a better Tuba player than my BD. [He's like 30 something, and I'm 13. xDD]

i can wiggle my ears.

i love when people play with my hair.


i love when people draw on my back. ( with their fingers)

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