Internet harassment


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Well-known member
Jul 14, 2008
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Did you ever get harassed/insulted on the Internet?

This just happened to me today. I was on a chat board, and in a topic discussing about Voodoo dolls.

I said:

I personally disagree with the idea of Voodoo. It emphasizes and reinforces anger and hatred.

And here's the reply:

*ing (rude word blocked) hippies. (O_______O)

I'm kind of a hippy chick anyway, so I replied:

Yep. And I'm proud to be one!

And the same person went:

Filthy tree hugging seed-eating tie-dyed vermin! Go back to California, you psychedelic scum!

I have no idea where that person got such a bundle of insults from. :p

Did anything like that ever happen to you?


On Gaia.

There was this 6 year old(Not kidding, said she was 15. but one of my friends knew her IRL.)

She said she would kill me, a 12 year old. xD

luckily she got banned. =3

alot of people i don't know from chat rooms "try" to talk to me so i just say go away and one conversation went like this


me:go away!


me:i dont wanna talk right now!

person: why dont you $#@# off!!!!!!

asl=age , sex (gender) , location

Yeah. On the Guitar Hero Community. :p There was this guy that kept messaging me asking when we would do a Face-Off or something on the Guitar Hero Wi-Fi Connection, so I finally did one, I chose the hardest song on the hardest level, just to make him look like a retard pretty much. His reply in a message was "What the *bleeeeep* was that you *bleeeep*-ing crack-head?!" My reply: It wasn't that bad! (someone has anger problems. -_- ) Yeah, he kept messaging mean stuff back, so I took him off the Friend Roster on my game and never messaged him again. ><

Online harassment is all around. Some people earn it if they don't keep their mouths shut. Sometimes, for an example, people on Gaia would flame people if they put a thread in the wrong section or just post spam in a area you aren't suppose to.

Most, just ignore it and move on.

I don't think I've ever been harassed on the internet. Anyway, if it was that bad, I'd probably remember it.

Report it, ignore it. :)

Yea on runescape and gaia because once this dude on gaia was like saying oh your page is ugly on my profile and I told him yours isn't any better noob and I put him on ignore and I deleted his comments XD and this girl on runescape said oh you look like a * beep * I told her shut the * Beep * up and I reported her. Yes internet harassment is annoying but I have my ways of dealing with it. * smiles evil *

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I'm honest on he internet.

Which doesn't appeal to a lot of people XD


I wasn't exactly harassed on a chat room, I was harassed on a forum. One of the people I dislike from my class joined that forum on purpose just to harass me.

I've been harassed on RuneScape too. This is what happened:

Me: -Just standing around-

Random guy: Ur hot

Me: Ummm....sorry I don't internet date -.-

Random guy: $#^& you

Me: O____o

Random guy: (Just a bunhc of swears here. I don't even know what they are >.<)

Me: Can you stop swearing????

Random guy: No. (Starts swearing again)

I reported him, obviously. I hope he gets banned >.<

I once received a PM on TamaTalk from this guy called * removed* and he asked me my real name, where I lived and how old I was. O___O Banned that guy for life...

*please don't name any members - past or present (naming/shaming site rules)

there are plenty of members who return or become active again after a long time away...

I would bet money on it that he's not coming back, but ok....

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Haha. Yurpp.

I was on MapleStory with my brother and this guy came up.

Guy: Are you a couple?

Me: No

Bro: She's my sister. 0.0

Guy: Right. She's probably your mom.

Me: WTF?

Bro: Whatever.

Then I continued on training and he continud on harassing me.

Me: Go away.

Guy: No. You're too hot.

Me WTF? Stalker.

It was funny. It turned out to be the actual guy's younger brother.

Ugh. Got another. Right now, chatting with a guy on meebo, and he asks for a nakked picture of me. o_O I said "" It kinda creeped me out. Oh my GAWD! He won't stop asking! Dx

EDIT: He just asked for a regular picture of me, so I just found some random one on Photobucket. xD

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Yeah. My cousin put a video of me and my other cousin crying at this MCR concert, and this chick called us sl*ts.

Eh, I didn't take that too seriously. Bhhaha.

I wasn't exactly harassed on a chat room, I was harassed on a forum. One of the people I dislike from my class joined that forum on purpose just to harass me.

I've been harassed on RuneScape too. This is what happened:

Me: -Just standing around-

Random guy: Ur hot

Me: Ummm....sorry I don't internet date -.-

Random guy: $#^& you

Me: O____o

Random guy: (Just a bunhc of swears here. I don't even know what they are >.<)

Me: Can you stop swearing????

Random guy: No. (Starts swearing again)

I reported him, obviously. I hope he gets banned >.<
Well he was a moron if he really liked you he would have left you alone not to mention he wouldn't curse at you. He's an idiot.

ohh and there was this other time on runescape (runescape is a common place for pervs)

dude:do you have humps?

me:wat r they O_O

dude:do you have humps?


dude:do you have humps?

me:wat r humps?

dude: humps as in like boobs?

me:OMG!go away!!

dude :follows me for a while and finally gives up

Yes! I used to have a friend on myspace about a year ago, and once he started insulting me and calling me ugly for absolutely no reason O.O; I was just like "Wtf?? Are you having mood swings??" and he just said to "Beep off" so I deleted himx3

It happens all the time I mean youtube comment boxes are like warzones,I just insult them XD

It happens to me a lot but usually the site im on and the one im getting harrassed on, i have many friends to back me up :( so next time it happens either block them or just go hang out with friends. It happens all the time, but the best thing is to not encourage them.

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