Internet Relationships...


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Well-known member
Oct 10, 2008
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Ok, first of all: When it comes to the internet, I'm no idiot.

For the last couple of months I've been chatting on a certain site. It's safe, and pretty private. There is only a certain amount of people on it and no one else will ever be on it, basically. However, I don't know any of these people in real life. I go on to talk to them almost everyday, so I've grown attached to them, and I know a lot about them. Of course, I can never no what they claim is true. But I just take what they give as facts and stay safe.

Recently, I've been talking to this boy Neji. We're good friends and all, but he just asked me out yesterday. I like him as a friend I know online. Nothing else. But just a few hours ago, he wanted a picture of me so he could take a picture of it with his phone and "keep it forever". I've shown him a picture of me before, but what he said just now sounded...weird. I worked myself into saying no to him and now he is telling me how sad he is. I don't like online relationships, and that's that. But he is still a friend.

So what do I do?

(PS: I don't know if this belongs in Serious (Non) TT or not, but it's happening NOW so I want fast replies! x.x)

I had this sort of sittuation too.(sp?)

It was afraid my rents would find out and I was really scared. In the end I just quit, because nothing is worth stressing over.

If you quit, then he can't do anything about it. It really is the only choice.

I know you may not want to, I know I really didn't want to because I grew attached to these people, but just do it and get it over with.

In the end, you will feel better about the choice. And loads of stress gone. :D

I had this sort of sittuation too.(sp?)It was afraid my rents would find out and I was really scared. In the end I just quit, because nothing is worth stressing over.

If you quit, then he can't do anything about it. It really is the only choice.

I know you may not want to, I know I really didn't want to because I grew attached to these people, but just do it and get it over with.

In the end, you will feel better about the choice. And loads of stress gone. :D
Yeah, like I said...I said no. :hitodetchi:

Thank you so much. I have considered quitting, but I don't want to leave everybody. He just needs to grow up.

Again, thank you!

You can't knock it until you try it. Contrary to popular belief, some actual people are on the net, too. But don't go nuts. It's not like they can take your picture, your first enitial, and then come burn your house down but take you away to rape. xD

You can't knock it until you try it. Contrary to popular belief, some actual people are on the net, too. But don't go nuts. It's not like they can take your picture, your first enitial, and then come burn your house down but take you away to rape. xD
Actually her method was good since she went with her instinct that something felt not right and followed suit in a respectable way.

Don't worry about your online friend. If they really care about you as they say they do, they'll deal with it and move on. If they do obviously get nasty for you not complying for them, then this is why many messengers and online forums have block/ignore.

I've had past online male friends I just meet and stuff get really weird like that and when I said no to them they got nasty so of course blocking had to happen. Luckily this was a minority issue and most of the people I converse with online (and on the phone since most live far away now or always have) are reasonable enough not to act stupid like that.

I say to follow your instincts. If you showed him a picture before then I see no reason why he should have to have another one. Tell him what you thought, and if he is a true friend, he will understand


Well, if he's from the online world, then I really wouldn't trust online dating. He could easily be an old man, or an abductor looking for personal information. How about you wait for real dating with a REAL boyfriend that you actually know is your age, and his actual personality? You can still be friends with that guy on the internet, but I wouldn't give him any more personal information.

If it doesn't feel right, then just say no. If he really is such a great online "friend", he'll deal with it and move on, and you guys can just go back to chatting about whatever you usually chat about.

As TigerLily says, if he gets nasty, just block him and don't speak to him any more! Don't stay there going, "But I can't block him; I still want to be his friend, but just not his girlfriend!" because if he gets nasty, he's no good as a friend either. If he REALLY starts to bother you, then report him, block him, and go on this chat-site less.

I am against Internet dating, that's my opinion. Even if this Neji is a nice enough guy, I would say no. Because it doesn't feel right to you, and you said in your posts you'd feel funny about your parents knowing. How old are you? Would they approve? If you're 16 or under I would absolutely tell him no. An online stranger saying freaky stuff like, "Give me another picture of you! I want to keep it forever!" is not worth your time!


Well, if he's from the online world, then I really wouldn't trust online dating. He could easily be an old man, or an abductor looking for personal information. How about you wait for real dating with a REAL boyfriend that you actually know is your age, and his actual personality? You can still be friends with that guy on the internet, but I wouldn't give him any more personal information.
Yeah, obviously. That's why I got a funny feeling about him when he wanted my picture so badly...

Thanks everyone, a lot. I've decided to take a break from the site. :)

This question is resolved.

If it doesn't feel right, then just say no. If he really is such a great online "friend", he'll deal with it and move on, and you guys can just go back to chatting about whatever you usually chat about.
As TigerLily says, if he gets nasty, just block him and don't speak to him any more! Don't stay there going, "But I can't block him; I still want to be his friend, but just not his girlfriend!" because if he gets nasty, he's no good as a friend either. If he REALLY starts to bother you, then report him, block him, and go on this chat-site less.

I am against Internet dating, that's my opinion. Even if this Neji is a nice enough guy, I would say no. Because it doesn't feel right to you, and you said in your posts you'd feel funny about your parents knowing. How old are you? Would they approve? If you're 16 or under I would absolutely tell him no. An online stranger saying freaky stuff like, "Give me another picture of you! I want to keep it forever!" is not worth your time!

Now I'm not entirely against internet relationships since my first boyfriend and I met online as friends, stayed friends for a few years until few months before I became 17, dated for a couple years long distance (it wasn't all internet, it grew from that) and even after we're not going out or anything like that we're still best friends for 8 years. But obviously the person whom I was typing to on the other end was who they were, and I took all precautions needed on my end until enough trust was established.

You got your red flag and the fact your friend was acting needy and strange definitely is something to avoid at all costs.

I wouldn't completely diss the practice of meeting new people online after this experience, but I will say it's definitely a good idea to look into it when you're older and more net savvy. Who knows, you could be lucky like me and get a best friend out of it for many years (even if they aren't your significant other).

Good luck in your future searching!

*topic closed*

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