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yes agreed! it is very good! :p lol and ik what u mean about nosy brothers...I have one...and sisters! lol :)

Ha ha! I keep looking for the like button as if this is Facebook. :)

Haha well I can't exactly edit my last post since you all replied, and now it won't let me so pretend this is part of the last chapter, Kapeesh?

Ugh brothers around again, so here's a small add on

Angel tuirned her phone off and tucked it into her binder when the bell rang. She wasn't going to have her phone taken away again. Sylis looked at her, and then he looked away quickly, noticing Seth entering the class since like the two of them, he had secon period in this class also. Seth pushed a kid on Angels rights' books off the desk, and he pushed them off the chair.

"There's been a new seating arrangement, and I decided you're in my new seat, sorry man" said Seth as an explanation, before sitting down and sighing.

"Bad day so far?" asked Angel, raising an eyebrow.

"Yeah. I hate my first period teacher, I wish she'd go die in a hol-"

yes please do!! ^.^ I think this could become my new favorite book! ha ha -Shorty

Angel tensed as Seth was interupted by a teacher. "Go do what in a hole, exactly?"

"Ugh... why me?" asked Seth, letting his head drop to the desk with a loud thump. Angel gave him a sympathetic look, and she turned to the teacher.

"He wasn't implying to a teacher here. He's been enrolled into some sort of tuition school, and one of those teachers has been giving him a roungh time. He doesn't acually mean what he's saying" Angel said, the lie rolling smoothly and easily out of her mouth. She gave the teacher a reassuring smile, and Sylis raised an eyebrow. "He's just been having a really bad week."

The teachers expression softened, and he nodded. "Okay, but be careful about what you say Seth... you could've gotten into some serious trouble for something like that."

"Yeah, I know" Seth said, and Angel elbowed him. "Ow! Thanks."

The teacher tsked a few times before turning and walking away, and Seth lifted his head. Sylis propped his chin on his palm, and started sketching something on his notepad, humming a fast tune. Angel smiled softly, Sylis wasn't too bad of a hummer, he had her wanting to bob her head to the rythm of the song.

"Seth! Why didn't you stay at last nights' party?" asked an overly sweet voice, as a cheerleader sat on Seths' desk. Angel rolled her eyes, and resisted the urge to tell the girl to get a life.

"Alcohol was getting busted out, and I can't be part of that sort of thing. I'm supposed to be a good example for others, and Principle Jeffenhower would give me infinite attention if I got busted for that. Not to mention he'd take me off the team." Seth explained, with a long, exagerated sigh. "My life sucks"

"Aw... poor thing. Are you going to the party after the game?" asked the girl, tossing her hair.

"Yeah, otherwise the team isn't going. What about you Angel?" asked Seth.

"Angel? Don't you have a-"

"It's my name, smart one. And yeah, I'll be there. I'm taking Sylis with me" Angel smiled sweetly at the girl.

"Sylis?" asked the girl and Seth at the same time.

"My friend here, to my right?" Angel pointed sideways at Sylis, who was still sketching, oblivious to his surroundings.

"Oh, the new guy. Anyways, I'll see you there Seth" the girl said, before prancing over to her table. Angel rolled her eyes again, and peeked over at Sylis' sketch. Her jaw dropped. He'd been sketching her, only she looked much better in his sketch than in reality probably. He'd drawn her from the moment when she'd examined the doll. He'd even drawn in the stray strand of hair that had dangled by her nose right then, and she felt her face heat up as she blushed. He definately was a mystery, she knew that for sure.

aww! that's super awesome and sweet! your so very good! I love it...please continue. ;) -Shorty

"Where'd you learn to draw?" she asked, tapping his shoulder. He jumped, and she had a black line on her drawn arm.

"What?" he asked quickly, with a sheepish smile.

"I asked where you'd learned to draw. That's quite an astonishing drawing of me, though you made me look better than I do in reality" Angel said, smiling softly and biting back a giggle that was bubbling up in her throat.

"Um... actually, I've never had help, I've drawn this way since I was small. My parents see this as a waste of time, and so they discourage me from doing it and try to prevent me from drawing as much as they can. Obviously, I draw anyways." He said, carefully erasing the black line.

"Why would they want to do that? Can't they see the greatness you bring in your art? You're a darn good artist, and they have to be total morons if they want you to stop." Angel said, tapping a finger to her chin.

"Yeah, well such is life. I heard there's a dance coming up and... never mind. " he said quietly, before returning to his sketch. She raised an eyebrow, but decided not to interupt him again by asking him what he meant by that. Seth sighed again.

"What is it?" asked Angel, raising both eyebrows.

"I dunno. It's just... you know the dance that's coming up? I don't have anyone I want to ask except..." he paused, and Angel tilted her head.

"If you want, I'll help you ask whoever it is you want to ask" she offered, tucking a strand of her hair behind her ear.

"Naw, it's cool. I'll do it myself" he said, but his smile told her who he wanted to ask. Her heart fluttered rapidly, and then she remembered what Sylis had said. Great... she wanted to go with Sylis, but she also wanted to go with Seth. And she couldn't go with both, and it was a couples only dance, and so she couldn't go with neither either. She let her head thump against her desk with a loud thump and she moaned. Why me? Thanks god of dates, if you exist, though you probably don't. But if you do, and you control my dating life, guess what??? I HATE YOU, YOU STUPID BABOON BUTT!, she thought, and she sighed as her head started to ache. Great.. just freaking great


Angel opened her eyes and yawned. When had she fallen asleep in class? And who'd woke her up? Couldn't they see she was having the best dream ever? She looked up, right at the belly of her teacher, and gulped. Aw crap.

"Let me recomend* getting more sleep in the night, instead of in my class." he scowled, and she wanted to give him a smart alec remark, but she bit her lip and held back.

"Yes Sir, thanks for waking me up" she replied, giving him her million-dollar smile. He scowled again.

"I had to, class is about to end." he said, just as the bell rang. She grabbed her stuff and dashed past him at full speed, hoping he wouldn't find her later on to assign his detention. She whooshed into her third period classroom, and she practically collapsed on her desk, panting and gasping for air.

"Careful Angel, you could trip and hurt yourself" her english teacher, Ms. Punktuations smiled, not looking up from the magazine she was reading. Ms Punktuations was short, standing at about 5'4, but she was all firey additude, and that was why she was Angels' favorite teacher.

"No way really?" Angel replied, between gulps of air.

"Really... may I ask why you were running?"

"Nooooope."Angel sat down as the class began to fill up, and noticed Sylis was in this class also. Sylis sat down by her, and she punched his shoulder lightly. "Hey punk, why didn't you wake me up?"

"Because i'd fallen asleep also..."

Agreed! Gosh you're such a great writer! ^.^ If you end up publishing this book I'll defenately buy it :ph34r: -Shorty

Angel smiled softly at Sylis. "I didn't think the teacher was that boring"

He smiled and socked her arm. Not a hard, bruising hit. Just a light, teasing hit. "Vell my dear, zat's your 'pinion" He said with a phony accent. She snorted, and lightly socked him back.

"Dork." she whispered as the bell rang.

"Silly." He grinned.

"Honey Bucket"

"Honey bunches of Oats"

"Wait... what?"

"That cereal from that commercial"

"That's not an insult though"

"Maybe I don't want to insult you"

She didn't reply to that. She just sat there, looking into his blue eyes, and realized she was holding one of his hands. She didn't care, since she wasn't going to let go any time soon. He blushed under her soft gaze, and she started blushing too. She didn't notice that a bunch of people were passing notes, all because of the moment between her and Sylis. She didn't care, either.

"Is that a good thing, or a bad thing?" she asked softly.

"Depends on the eye of the beholder, doesn't it?" he asked, raising her hand and lightly kissing it. She blushed a light pink and smiled, feeling like she was flying.

"I believe it's a good thing then" she replied softly, tilting her head. He lowered her hand to his chair and they both turned to face the teacher. They sat hand in hand for the rest of the period, Angel glowing happily, and Sylis smiling softly.

OMGoodness! That's so super cute! >.< I love it! It definitely describes how I'd feel if that'd happen to me :ph34r: -Shorty

Seth, who was sitting unnoticed by the two, glowered angrily (is it possible for one to sneer and snarl at the same time?). He planned a whole week of fun events for Sylis (not nessecarily meaning that Sylis would have fun), deciding that if Sylis was going to spend time with Angel, he'd have to pay for it. He texted his jock friends, and they all gave him a slight nod, signaling they were going to help. Kioki, however noticed the groups' exchangement of nods, and her eyes narrowed. She was going to find out what they were up to, and warn Angel. After all, she pretty much knew no good was going to come out of this... it never has.

Sylis' pencil lead snapped off, and he made his way to the front of the class, unaware of the trap he was walking into. He tripped over a jocks' waiting leg, and the jock scowled in false anger. "Watch it punk" he hissed, shoving Sylis behind the teachers' back.

"S-s-sorry man" Sylis stuttered, getting back up and going over to the corner of the room to sharpen his pencil. As he went by another a brown haired Linebacker for the football team, the linebacker patted his back and smiled warmly.

"Don't mind Josh... he's a butt" the linebacker said smoothly.

"Um... thanks" Sylis smiled half-heartedly. He failed to notice the sign on his back, which caused him to get pinched as he went down the row of desks and to his seat. Angels' eyes narrowed, and just before he sat down she snatched it and crumpled it up.

"You need to be more aware Sylis..." she said gently, shoving the paper in her bag, and scanning his arm which had angry red marks clearly visible on his pale skin. "If you're not careful it's going to get worse. Did you do something to make one of the jocks mad?"

"Not that I know of" Sylis muttered, taking her hand into his. "Stop touching my arm. I'm ticklish everywhere.". Angel smiled at this, and rubbed small circles on the top of his hand with her thumb.

Seth glowered at Sylis. Whether Sylis paid more attention or not, it was going to get worse. Much worse.

At lunch break, Sylis staggered into the cafeteria, drenched and sputtering. Angel gaped, and Seth smiled sweetly at her. "Guess he was in the wrong place at the wrong time... poor thing. "

"Aw, you're so sympathetic. It's so sweet of you to care about him that way" Angel smiled, before getting up to help Sylis dry off... by using napkins. Seth followed her and helped her, succesfully drawing her suspicion away from himself. "I wonder why they're targeting you especially, Sylis"

"Me too... I'm not aware of anything you did to make my friends mad" Seth said overly sweetly, like over-suger icing dripping off and over-sweetened cake.

"I don't know what I did either" Sylis moaned, wringing out his hair over a garbage can. Seth smiled. They've both fallen for it, hook, line and sinker. If everything keeps rolling just as smoothly, soon enough Sylis will look like such a loser that Angel will come running to me... and I'll make sure he doesn't get a second chance with her.

And a huge thanks to all my regular readers and to those who give their opinions, it makes me all warm and fuzzy inside (no, I did not eat a bunny) to know that people are reading my work, and find it worth the effort to put in their input.


Any suggestions or ideas for what could happen next? I frequently run out of ideas, and your ideas could seriously help! If you have any suggestions, please pm with them. Thanks for your time and attention!

With love,

-TT2 <3

You never continued D: And I don't have any ideas to give you sorry :furawatchi:

Sylis ran from the school doors once the dismissal bell rang, all his books in his bag. A safety monitor grabbed his shoulder and glowered at him.

“Young man, this is not acceptable! Shall we go see the principle now?” the monitor growled, his foul breath filling Sylis’s nose. Sylis cringed away.

“No thanks sir, see I was…”

“Hey Harvey! Let him go, he just found out his cat climbed a tree and got stuck!” Angel cried out, running over. She smiled sweetly at the monitor, and the monitor sighed and let Sylis go. Sylis and Angel quickly exited the school lawn, and Sylis’s eyes widened when he saw some jocks from the corner of his eye.

“Aren’t you going to the game with me?” Angel asked, pouting slightly.

“Can’t. Emergency… doctors appointment. “Sylis said, a bit sharper than he’d meant to say it. “Have fun at the game, I have to go”. He ran home as fast as he could, leaving Angel alone with her mixed thoughts and feelings. She turned, her vision blurring, and ran, tripping and stumbling towards the school. How had she lost the only guy who’d treated her like the center of the world? Like a goddess? Like a princes-

She tripped again, but someone caught her. She looked up, and groaned inwardly as she realized Seth was going to see her crying and looking like a mess. But instead of pulling away, he pulled her to him and gave her a tight hug. The only guy? She sighed, realizing she’d forgotten about Seth.

“All right, who’s butt am I royally kicking next?” he asked, running his fingers through her hair and swaying side to side with her in his arms.

“Oh, it’s just some drama… shouldn’t you be getting ready for your game?” she asked, looking up at him.

“Yes… but I got the coach to let the team give you VIP treatment… you’ll be sitting with the team” he said, pecking her forehead and making her blush.

“That’s so sweet of you, Seth” she said, feeling like she was going to start crying all over again.

“Aw, no more tears Angel. Just smile, K?” he smiled softly, cupping her chin with his hand, and she smiled slightly.


Sylis watched them from behind a tree, narrowing his eyes at Seth. How dare he put his arms around Angel, who was so racked from Sylis leaving. Angel must’ve gotten the wrong idea, but he couldn’t tell why he’d really left, that it was because he didn’t want to get beaten up again. She’d have thought he was a wimp… but he’d driven her straight into Seths’ arms. Oh dear.

Ooc: All hail .::Le:.:Cheshire:.:Chat::. , for saving my butt from coming to a complete writers block. Not even kidding, get on your knees and his/her toes... okay, never mind, I don't think she/he'd want people slobbering all over their feet... I'm just sayin' xP

Sylis smiled at Angel as he took his seat on the bench. Angel giggled and poked him "You smell"

"I know, isn't it a lovely fragrance?" he laughed, poking her back. She doesn't even suspect that I might have anything to do with Sylis' running off! Now, just to make Sylis look bad, what is some crappy stuff I could spread about him... Seth thought, thoughts spinning through his head as if they were in a blender,

"Um, I'll be right back, I left my bag in my locker... " Angel said, "If i'm not back by the time before you go play again, call me". Angel turned and ran towards the school doors, and the moment she'd dissapeared through the doors he turned to his best friend, Jeromie.

"Have you heard about the new kid Sylis?" he asked Jeromie. Jeromie shook his head and grunted. "Sylis has anger issues, and has been expelled from tons of schools. That's why he had to move here, and Lisa said that Sylis had a history of making babies and leaving the moms..."

"For real?" asked Jeremie, before chugging down his Gatorade in a couple of gulps and belching loudly. Seth wrinkled his nose at the smell.

"Yup... that's nasty isn't it?" asked Seth, pretending to be upset about everything he was saying, though on the inside he felt like pumping his fist and shouting about his victory so far.

Angel pulled her phone out of her locker, and texted Sylis, leaning into the lockers' opening.

Angel: Hey, wut r u doing?

Sylis: Oh hey Angel : D

Angel: Why wouldnt u cum 2 the game with me???

Sylis: I couldnt...

Angel: Y not?

Sylis: I hav my reasons...

Angel: o, do share

Sylis: I g2g, laterz

Angel closed the phone and chewed her lower lip, not sure what to think. Kioki saw Angel and called out "Angel Baby!"

Angel smiled at Kioki, and they headed back to the game, talking.

To be continued when I get back online

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How come at the beginning it says 'Sylis smiled at Angel'? Isn't it supposed to be Seth xD?

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