Ipod Touch or Iphone?


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iPhone =] It's basically an iTouch with a phone =] I'm getting one friday, well, my dad bought it today, but I'm getting it Friday.

iPhone has more features, but iPhone break more easily than a iTouch. So iTouch for me.

I wish I had an iPhone, but I know that's not going to happen anytime in the near future.

But I'm planning on getting an iTouch at the end of the summer for my birthday,

So I voted iTouch.

iPhones are better. But I don't have one, and I love my iTouch.

I will not be a traitor to my own baby, so I voted iTouch. xD

Totally iPhone. It does so many different things! I saw a commercial and I loved it ^^

I have an iTouch, though. They're awesome, too.


iPhones are too expensive and the plan charges to own one here are freaking ridiculous.

iTouch also because I'd rather have music than ability to text any day!

Both. I love 'em both exactly the same.

But if I had to choose, probably iTouch. I hardly text anyways, and most of my friends have a computer and can easily access the internet. If iTouch has internet, than iTouch fer sureeee.

Still, don't get me wrong. I love iPhones, and I think they're awesome. I mean, if you were stuck without a phone, an iPhone would help, hahaha.

You can text on the iTouch too y'all know :D ipod for meeee. Internet is only free if you use someone elses network. If not you need your own router whch you pay for :wacko: but not the internet. Just router


No bills, more music space, only a little bit less of features, free internet.

idk, I just like the iTouch better.

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