Ipod touch or nintendo dsi?


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Mimitchi Fan200

Well-known member
Dec 29, 2008
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I don't know what I want for my birthday. I either get the ipod tounch or the nintendo dsi. What do you think I should get?

P.S: The dsi will be out by my birthday.


They'll probably have a better iPod by Christmas.

I had the exact same problem as you. Recently I got really high grades so my parents asked 'iTouch or DSi?' and I was like zomg, the DSi has some really good features but I already have a DS so iTouch? And I went for the iTouch (which I'm on right now :] ).

iPod Touch. I have one and I love it. So I'm kind of biased. But still, you must buy the iTouch.

I think I'm going to get the ipod touch beacause I alredy have a ds and my brother is going to get the dsi so I can play his.

The iPod touch

I haven't used my nintendo Ds in a year...

And I am using my iPod right now.

So its clear to see iPods pwn the ds in my world

ipod touch probs
whats a dsi??
Even before Nintendo announced it, the DSi had been the talk of the town. According to our Japanese correspondent, the DSi will be 12 percent thinner, and will get rid of the GBA slot entirely. The DSi will also include two built-in cameras (one reportedly VGA resolution) and music playback. It will add an SD card slot and internal storage (we don't yet know how much) to enhance its multimedia capabilities. The screens are now slightly larger at 3.25 inches, photos can be synced to the Wii Photo Channel, and the unit will include a free browser application.

Nintendo is also launching the "DSi Shop" to sell content directly over Wi-Fi. Prices for the store, which are also tied into Wii Nintendo Points, will use 0, 200, 500 and 800-point tiers. Until March 2010, 1000 Nintendo points will come bundled with the device.

Nintendo is calling the DSi a "third platform," implying that it's not competing with the DS -- though as a history lesson, the DS was originally a "third platform" against the now-retired Game Boy Advance.

The DSi will launch November 1 in black and white colors. It will cost ¥189,000 (approx. US $178). We won't fault you for misreading this as "iDS," given the very iPod Touch-esque additions.

~Article I found

^ hmm.. if the DSi fits that description, then I vote DSi. But iPod touches are cool too, I have one.



I say iTouch. You can put different games in it (I think) including a Tamagotchi game! :D

Also you can go on the internet and such. Its awesome!


My brither got an ipod touch, and he got kinda bored with it. But everyone in my family has a Ds. Even my grandma!

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