IQ Tests - Things of the past.


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Well-known member
Aug 21, 2006
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Right around the corner
Back in 7th grade, we learned about the 7 intelligences. For good times, I Google'd it. And for fun, you can figure out what smarts you have.

"What are the different kinds of “smarts”?

Word Smart

Linguistic (ability to express oneself in words on paper and aloud and to conceptualize ideas and thoughts verbally). Major form of intelligence used in school, on IQ test; essence of what people normally think of as smart.

Picture Smart

Spatial (art, architecture, engineering, graphic design, photography, etc.)

Music Smart

Musical (composing, playing musical instruments, singing, retaining melodies, pitch, etc.)

Body Smart

Kinesthetic (athletic ability, physical strength, endurance, coordination)

Logic Smart

Logic/Mathematics (reasoning, math, science, computers, technology)

People Smart

Interpersonal (people skills; dealing with others/relationships; working in teams, etc.)

Self Smart

Intrapersonal (self-knowledge – search for enlightenment, inner peace, meditation, spirituality, personal growth, etc.) "


Now, you can have more than one smart. Heck, you can have em all.

Personally, I think I'm the first 3. I love words and communication, as well a visual communication with photography and art. And music is amazing, I'm very into understanding the concepts.

I'm not body smart, or logically smart at all. Maybe people smart, but not self smart.

So YOU, how are you smart? Post why!

The only ones I'm not are body smart and self smart.

I suck at sports and when it comes to myself, I can't figure a thing out.


I think I'm Music smart, a little Word smart, and body smart.

And maybe a little People Smart, but I'm not that amazing at working in groupes. :3

I recall doing those kinds of tests in school growing up. Back then I was Visual and Intrapersonal mostly. I think now you could put musical and logical to my list ;P

I would love to take a huge IQ test to test all of that. General IQ tests are ok but they really need to incorporate other 'intelligences'.

All of those 'smarts' titles sound strange.

But I'm highly intelligent when it comes to creativity and logic. I know that. ;D

[SIZE=7pt]I'm not people smart or self smart.[/SIZE]

I hate people xD

But otherwise, I've been told -pokesAllie- that I'm a 'freaking genious' xD

I think I'm all of those except for music lol. I mean not to brag ^.~

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Music Smart

Logic Smart [in math alot.]

People Smart [a Little xP]

And I am Self Smart =]

I think I'm overall dumb. ;P

My friend once made me take this test where you put yer fingers in some thing. She called it an IQ test. D;

I failed... it made meh fingers hurt too. ;~;

I probably excell at the first 3, but I don't fail at any of them. Except... Maybe... Logic? -ahem-

My IQ probably isn't very much above average. I've been told I'm very artistic, but you can decide that. My dad is the one who told me that, but I'm better at graphic art than pencil-and-paper.

Word Smart because I have correct punctuation, capitalization, good spelling, know a little cursive.

Music Smart since I do sing alot.

And in GATE I am learning some logic.

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