IR - Connecting


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About Infrared connection

The Infra red ray is so strong that it can send information even through your finger :furawatchi:

There is five. friend stadiums that is listed in the ADRESS BOOK. These are NEW CONTACTS, BUDDY, FRIEND, GOOD FRIEND, BEST FRIEND, and LOVER.

When sending a gift to a new contact, beware that your or your friend's tama may send snakes, a scary doll and even poop :angry: . When this happens, the tama who sent this unpleasant surprise should be time out - ed.

A good tip is to wrap a new present every time you have sent the other.

If you do not wrap a new present, the tama can send a piece of tart, whipped cream, a flower or a heart. These item are integrated in the data chip, and only the tart will be reachable on the food list. These are wrapped in, so the tama controls it itself.

But you can never be too sure. Wrap!

The game or visit is better when meeting a strange tamagotchi the first time.

The smiley faces under the picture of the contact increases after positive meeting. Beware that if the other tamagotchi sends unpleasant gifts many times simultaniously, the smiley faces decreases. this can be fixed by playing a game, or visit.

There is another way to connect. When you enter the heart icon on the screen, there are two options: VER. 3 and OTHER. When entering Other the two tamas sends presents, visit or plays games. When the play these games, the winner will not earn any points.

If your tama looses the OTHER games simultaniously, you may loose happy hearts :ichigotchi:

When sending gifts on OTHER option, the giftsender will maybe copy a present that it has

on the item list.

They even send items that they not have :mametchi: It's normal, don't worry.

When you have not wrapped a new present and your tama sends poop, snake or wicked puppet, NEVER time out it. This will make it very angry and take away one happy heart.

When two tamas are LOVERS, it will take a few days before mating. When they are childless, they kiss when they meet. When they have children, they will (for one reason I don't know,) not kiss.

I hope this will help you out with connecting!



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