Is 12 (6th grade) an appropriate age...


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It really depends if you REALLY like the guy. If you just want to kiss him cause you're "going out" and thats the cool thing to do, then don't. But if you like REALLY like him and he does too, then why not? There's nothing wrong with showing someone you love them by kissing them.

Tama 3445521508 :puroperatchi:

Well, it depends, really.

I think that its a little early to be full blown lip locking. But a little peck on the cheek here and there is perfectly fine. I beleive that if you think that its the right time, you should go for it.

Good luck!

I'm 14 and I still haven't. I plan on keeping the last moment till the time when I have a serious relationship. (Not anytime soon)

[SIZE=7pt]If you want to kiss a guy, go ahead and do it. A simple peck is completely fine. It's just touch-and-go, and it's really sweet to do. But I believe that real love, in most cases, comes later in life. Don't get pressured to kiss if you're not ready. Do it when you're ready. Making out is for..well, older people I would think. [/SIZE]
i'm 12 and i already had my first kiss. Not a peck, but about a 3-sec kiss. I remember it like it was yesterday:

It's valentines day of 2008, the sun is shining, cloudless blue sky and I walk into the

middle school ready for something. Some romance, I guess. So, this girl I really like

has the locker right next to mine. We hug, which is already a BIG thing for 6th grade,

and by the way, she likes me back too, so it was an easy hug. I thought that was it for Valentine's Day, but

ohhhhhhhhhh, I was terribly wrong. The day went by as usual, had to deal with some

annoying teachers and stuff, so by PM homeroom, I wanted to do something exciting.

So, me and the girl I really like walk together to the busses and once we reach her bus,

she just spins around and she and I plant a 3-sec kiss on our lips. People saw us, but

who cares, because people were kissing each other all over the place since it was

valentines day. So, I walk onto my bus with a happy expression in my mind; I'm actually

having a good Valentine's Day.

So, thats my story, and I have proof that it is ok to kiss in 6th grade because my dad's mom's aunt is a principal, and she says real romance starts around the spring of 6th grade.

TIP: just don't do super i-want-to-make-out-with-you kisses in 6th grade, cuz that is a little crazy because because then people are going to think there's something wrong with you.

Just do it when ur ready. It depends how much you know that person. For me, I knew this person for about 6 months before a kiss.

Hoped you liked my response! PM me!


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Ehh~ It really depends if your ready for it or not.I had my first kiss when I was 8! X_X" And it was well...Not romantic or anything. Just kind of, I dunno...Lame. D:

I wasn't really ready for it. And this kid was like, all over me. It was just creepy. D:

But basically, I wasn't ready for it. And I find it a waste, for my first kiss. X_X

But as long as your sure you want this person to receive this kiss, and your sure...Go crazy with it! xD
Me too!

Horrible experience.

I'm 13 & all my friends are like, "eww, kissing".

I've never told them!

But that lip-lock when I was 8 was not serious.

I'm not ready for that serious stuff.

Well, I personally think that 13-15 is a better age for a fist kiss, but it's really all about maturity. Different people have their different times. I want to make my first kiss something special to remember. I want to save it for someone I REALLY care about. I'm 14 and still have virgin lips, so... I guess it could happen... lolz. :huh:

Well, honestly I think the appropriate age for kissing is 15+. But it actully depends on whether you think you're ready. There's one thing that you shouldn't do though, kiss when you're dared, cause' you aren't exactly comfortable when dared (if you know what I mean). Only if you're comfortable I think you should kiss, don't get forced to kiss, and when I say forced, I MEAN forced :huh: !

i think its an appropriat age for a FIRST kiss, i really dont like how im in 7th grade and every1 is allready making out w/ there bfs and gfs, we r 12 and 13, we are 2 young 4 that kinda stuff, i think this is the time u should have ur first kiss

me and my bf both already told each other we didnt want to kiss XD

but at the end of the day we give each other a hug <3

...oh by the way im 12 ive never kissed a guy...

and i agree with everyone else, whenevr ur ready!

i think the first kiss should come when you have reached the point in your relationship where you completly trust each other, you know he is not a jerk, and you are mature enough for it

you only get the chance once in a lifetime

I'm 13 and I don't really believe in kissing/dating until at least the age of 15...but thats just me.

I think it's a good age. As long as it's not like,snogging or tounge-wrestling. lol seeing as I almost kissed the same guy twice cuz of sugar or soda,I think it's good. I've never gotten a kiss or kissed anyone. lol A peck on the lips or cheek is good I'd say.

I'm about Wine_Deer's age, and my dad would FREAK if I kissed a boy willingly. But that's just mt dad xD

I'd say an appropriate age for first kisses... 12, 13 maybe. Make-outs? Wait a while. x.x

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