Is anyone else into writing?


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I <3 writing! ^_^ English is my favourite subject (along with Drama of course). I'd like to be an English&Drama teacher when I'm older, and I have Distinctions + Honours in all my LAMDA certificates! (Different levels become top in different years, I've only got 2nd a couple times).

I love writing.

Even though I don't think I'm very good at it.

English is my best and favorite subject.

read my topic. it's called i found this story i wrote awhile ago....... i love writing

*starts to choke*


I kinda...very much...dislike it.o.o

I used to like to..when I was about 7. ^_^

I wrote stories like....

"There once was a boy named Bob, and a girl named Pat.

They were in the woods and heard a noise of a bear.They ran really fast, but Pat fell.

The bear ae her, and he ran after Bob.The bear got Bob and ate him.

The End" =]


I love to write. My english teacher says I am an awesome writer and that she wishes she could get inside my head and see whats going on in there. She gave me As for all of my past assigments.
Here is recent story I wrote for school that she didn't grade yet:

Z-man saves the day

“Okay class, put away you math books, I want to introduce you to our new student, Zachary Pesto!” said Mrs. Huffman. Every started cracking up, including me, what kind of last name was Pesto?! “Is he a descendant of ‘Perry Pesto’ the creator of pesto sauce?” asked Alice. That only made us crack up even more!

Suddenly Zachary slid into the room. That’s right, he didn’t walk, he slid. He slid to the center of the room trying to look all cool with his hands in his pockets and his back hunched over. He looked more like an old man with a walking problem. He was also a nerd, he had glasses, his shirt was tucked in, he was wearing some sort of shoes from the 1940’s and he had suspenders.

“Please, call me Z-man.” He said. We all laughed, he was more like nerd-boy than Z-man. “So Zachary tell us about yourself.” said Mrs. Huffman. Zachary glared at her. “It’s Z-man, thank you.” Before the teacher could respond, he started to talk. “I’m Z-man and my favorite thing is Pokemon and just Pokemon. I have almost every Pokemon trading card except for the rare Charmander card. There were only 1,000 made you know!” Suddenly everyone was glaring at him. Just what we needed, a Pokemon-loving nerd who wanted to pester everyone about the new trading card he just got and how he can recite the Pokemon theme song. He just kept on going on and on and on about Pokemon and how he was a bad kid in his old school and he would skip class to have Pokemon battles in the hall with his nerd friends. The only really interesting part was that he got expelled from his old school because he was having a Pokemon battle in the hall and as the principal was coming around the corner, he accidentally threw one at his head. He spent the entire period talking about Pokemon. He would’ve talked non-stop if Mrs. Huffman hadn’t told him that we had to focus on math already.


Finally, the day was over! I couldn’t believe that Mrs. Huffman took my best friend Hailey’s seat that was right behind me and put nerd-boy in it! He wouldn’t stop whispering about stupid, stupid Pokemon to me and wouldn’t stop even if I threatened to tell the teacher. Heck, he wouldn’t stop even if I

threatened to kill him! It’s a good thing that I’m not the only one, everyone else had their share of pestering from nerd-boy.

The next day during study hall I asked the teacher if she could switch nerd-boy with Hailey, who had to sit in the corner now that nerd-boy took her seat. Of course she said no, because they always have pity for the new kids but never for us. So I had to be tortured by nerd-boy for another day.

On the third day when we were taking a pop quiz that I was probably going to fail because of all of nerd-boy’s chatter, he passed me a note. What was it about? You guessed it, Pokemon. It wasn’t any kind of little note that a normal kid would pass. It was a two page note that had something to do something with a new Pokemon movie. At the end he even made a Pokemon seal of honor with his name in it. Then I realized this was an all-access to get him moved from behind me. “Mrs. Huffman, Zachary is passing notes!” I yelled while waving his ‘note’ in the air. “I am not!” he yelled back, trying to defend himself. “Let me see that.” Said Mrs. Huffman. I handed her the note and I watched her as she read it. When she was done she glared at nerd-boy and said “Zachary Pesto, you now that note passing is against the rules in my class. It is distracting, and this is way more than a note, this is a letter!” Nerd-boy yet again tried to defend himself. “I didn’t write it, she did! She is trying to get me in trouble!” Very clever nerd-boy I thought. He was more of a mastermind than I thought. Mrs. Huffman raised her eyebrows at me, waiting for an answer. “Please, would you think that I would write a complicated two-page note about Pokemon, or the Pokemon “genius” sitting right behind me?” I asked. “Hmmm……she’s right.” Mrs. Huffman said, now raising her eyebrows at nerd-boy. “Zachary Pesto, tonight you get detention and your parents get a phone call from me. Plus, you might get your seat changed with Hailey. It seems like you can’t be near anyone unless you distract them.” Yes! I thought, nerd-boy was finally going to be in a lonely little corner instead of Hailey.


Nerd-boy did get moved, thank G-d! But he was starting to fit in a little better. He had some friends from younger grades, and he quit wearing suspenders and got sneakers instead of those 1940’s shoes. Everything else about him was still the same. He still talks to just about everyone about Pokemon, but not a much. People learned just to ignore him and to tell Mrs. Huffman if he caused any serious trouble.


A few weeks later Mrs. Huffman assigned us to write a four page story about anything we want. I chose to write a story about me turning into my guinea pig by accident. Hailey decided to write about a girl who has cancer. We over heard that Hannah was going to write about her trying to write a story. Hailey and I thought that was pretty funny. No one would even ask nerd-boy about what he was going to write about, because it was pretty obvious.

When the four-week deadline was up, everyone was excited and nervous. We were all thinking of the same questions: Would anyone like our stories? What grade would we get? Would Mrs. Huffman approve of them?

After a brief lesson which probably no one paid attention to Mrs. Huffman told us that everyone would have to read their story. First Hannah went and everyone loved her story. Then Jenny, Sam, and Lucas read their stories. I thought I was going to have a heart attack if I didn’t read mine, and as soon as I thought the teacher was going to call on me, instead she called on nerd-boy. I threw my head back and groaned. So did a lot of other kids. His story was probably going to take forever.

Instead of walking to the front of the class, he walked to Mrs. Huffman’s desk. I noticed that he didn’t have a paper in his hand. He probably didn’t finish on how Charmander saved all the Pokemon things from the big evil Pokemon I thought. I saw him say a few words to Mrs. Huffman and then run out of the room. Mrs. Huffman smacked her forehead. Then the door opened and I saw nerd-boy lead the janitor into the room. He had a T.V. with him and a VCR. What is he doing? I thought. Everyone else was probably thinking the same thing. Nerd-boy turned off the lights and the janitor popped a video tape into the VCR. The room went quiet.

The video started off with a logo that said Pokemon Productions. What a Catchy name I thought. Then it showed nerd-boy singing the Pokemon theme song in a squeaky voice. It was actually a bit funny and I even heard Mrs. Huffman letting loose a few laughs. Then it showed the title: Z-man saves the day.

Then the real thing started. It showed a bunch of kids peacefully doing their work. Then all the sudden some people busted through the window and assembled into a pose that you would see usually see in a movie about detectives that teamed up. Everyone was running in circles and screaming, which was also funny enough that people were almost actually laughing. The figures were dressed in black and had Pokemon masks on. I knew which three they were because even though Pokemon was stupid, everyone always knows something about it. The first one was Pikachu, he had a taser, the second one was Charmander, he had a flame thrower, and the third one was Squirtle, and he had a high powered hose. It’s funny how each one has a weapon based on their powers. I thought. Then nerd-boy came through the window dressed like a super hero. “Time to kick some butt!” he yelled. He threw a Pokemon ball at Pikachu, which knocked him over and caused him to shoot the taser at Charmander, which caused Charmander the burn Squirtle, which made him to shoot water at Charmander, which caused smoke. They were all on the floor, rolling around and screaming. By the time the smoke cleared up and nerd-boy had them in handcuffs, we were all on the floor laughing so hard I thought our lungs would burst and I would pee in my pants. The video lasted another half an hour. When it was finished, we were all clapping like crazy and cheering for “Z-man.” He had finally earned the respect he deserved.
Nice story

I don't necessarily like to write stories, but I like writing in general. I'll write poems [free verse] every now and then.. Otherwise, I just write to vent.

.. And definitly can't write lyrics to save my life.

I admire any kind of literature in general, really. But, I really am into fan fiction and song writing.

Drawing is more of my thing, writing is my second.

That`s why I`m in like five different role plays on another site.


I quite like writing :(

I wrote something from my Lit. class about my Grandpa (who isnt dead or anything) that made my mom cry XD

I guess that means I'm good?....


I wrote a crappy half made up blog for my tams that I havent posted on in a while..... -pokes siggy-

--Also, I've kept a diary (not an everyday diary) since I was.... 5 or six? That counts, right?

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^ Your poem is wonderful. <3 I'm not great with symbolism like that.

I love to write, as do most of my friends. I like writing stories, free verse poems... occasionally lyrics and journal entries, etc.

I've finished a few books. (;

Yep. I love it!

Creative writing though. I can't do anything remotely factual.

I've won award and had some published. I'm working on a story at the moment. [see my topic 'Killed by a what?']

Its what I do hen I get bored and I get bored alot!

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