is anyone here 14-15 yrs old?


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Well-known member
Aug 19, 2005
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Canada Saskatoon
any1 here 14-15 cause i feel like im the only one :S well im 14 but yeah.... if so please post here an pm me thanks

Yup, I'm fifteen. Eh, people shouldn't say they feel childish because there are even adults with tamas and they don't feel embarrassed.

thanks :D poorcookie i feel a bit better lol and i guess it dont really matter that i like tamas i guess there are ppl out there who like lots of kiddy things like pppl still have their fave stuffed animals around so yeah :lol:

thanks :eek: poorcookie i feel a bit better lol and i guess it dont really matter that i like tamas i guess there are ppl out there who like lots of kiddy things like pppl still have their fave stuffed animals around so yeah :p

But you know, I don't think these things are "kiddy things". It's more like something cute that you'll always love or something that brings back memories. Being "kiddy" is like keeping all of your barbies and playing with them every day. With stuffed animals and barbies, you can still keep them when you're an're just older now so you have no interest in "playing" with them, but you still like to keep them around and "display" them.

Lol, and that's my whole explanation for you :p

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sorry its just that lots of people would like make fun of sum1 who had stuffed animals in my school well i have tons of toys and animals and i will always keep them infact i have this soft cute duckie and ive had it for 14 years :eek: an it has some ripps but i stiched them up :furawatchi: you are right they arent kiddy they are kute and adorable :p

*rolls eyes at those people* Don't worry about them; they're just looking for someone to make fun of. You know how people are...gotta make fun of someone to make themselves look cool. I'm proud of all my stuffed animals, lol.

Aww, how cute...duckie :furawatchi: I have some stuffed animals from when I was a mom took pictures of me as a baby with them. I still have them :eek:

:eek: thanks cookie yeah i dont really care about what they think me and me 15 year old friend at school have tamas and stuffed animals and cute japanese toys and i bought it to school before :furawatchi: :p B) i will bring my tama to school too :p feed them and play with them secretly in class so the teacher wont see haha
lol i dont know if my mom has a picture of me with my duckie i hope she does but i had this really soft pillow that i never let go of it was my brothers and now its mine and i still have it!!! its really ripped though :eek: lol

I don't bother to bring mine to school because there are nasty stealers out there and it's banned anyway so I'd rather be safe than sorry :eek:

If you have the picture (and a scanner) you should show it to us :furawatchi:

I'm 23. And I have stuffed animals; my fav are aliens and robots. I also have a ps2. And of course I have a Tamagotchi. The fun thing about being my age is that you can have a job and aford all then toys you want!!! One of my roomates have a Tamagotchi too and we play together!!! It seems that some people play all their life and some other loose the taste in playing I don't envy them!

I'm 23. And I have stuffed animals; my fav are aliens and robots. I also have a ps2. And of course I have a Tamagotchi. The fun thing about being my age is that you can have a job and aford all then toys you want!!! One of my roomates have a Tamagotchi too and we play together!!! It seems that some people play all their life and some other loose the taste in playing I don't envy them!
Power to ya! :D Haha, that's cool...making money and spending it all on toys :D If this isn't too personal, what do you do for a job?

I wish people would stop teasing me about playing a tama. Once there was this girl who saw me playing it and said, "you still play tama? Your like a baby" <_< :D :D

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