is anyone here 14-15 yrs old?


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Just ignore her, some of my friend don't understand my tamagotchi, but majority of them likes him and look at him when we are together.... The most important thing is: you like what you like and no one has to gudge you , some times people like to pretend they are something they are not, maybe she likes it too ( the girl that tease you) but she is afraid of saying it , 'cause she's afraid of what people think....thats why shes teasing you... I don't know if you understand what I mean... Just be what you are...

Hey, finally, so this is where all the older users have been hiding. I'm fifteen and I'm not ashamed to admit that I like Tamagotchis. Still, it's been dificult to use this forum because I've had to continue reminding myself that many of the users are still young. I'm used to a slightly higher degree of grammar and literate sophistication. Bu that's alright, you don't have to be 'lit' to enjoy the net. Yup yup.

Hey, finally, so this is where all the older users have been hiding. I'm fifteen and I'm not ashamed to admit that I like Tamagotchis. Still, it's been dificult to use this forum because I've had to continue reminding myself that many of the users are still young. I'm used to a slightly higher degree of grammar and literate sophistication. Bu that's alright, you don't have to be 'lit' to enjoy the net. Yup yup.
Lol, same here. Usually I bash people for horrible spelling, grammar, manners, etc...but there are some that are just eight years old on this forum! :unsure: Hard to believe I'm almost twice as old as them :huh:

It'd be nice to find a site for the older breed of Tamagotchi fanatics. Y'know, for a somewhat enlightened view? However, I find that the kids know much more about them. Perhaps they're just more devoted... I remember being like that when I was young.

yeah they shood make a older site fer us teens i mean im like 14 going to grade 10 so yeah good idea and 23 wow ure my idol now! i repect that i mean im gonna buy tamas until i cant move haha right now i have 2 i got into the fad like this summer i bought a tama last year but played with it fer like 1 week then let it go fer like 10 months then i started playing wwith it again :angry: i dont think i wshjood take it to school tho i think its like banned but i might :p if u are above 14 and goin into grade 10 or higher please pm me and we can be buddis :(

I'm 41. Haha, I'm just joke :angry: . I won't tell my age. But I know, that your never too old to have a virtual pet. Hey, my grandfather had gotten my sibling one for her birthday. Very long ago, might I add!

yeah 19 is young lol i man if ure getting into ure late 40s then that cood be consodered old to most ppl but as long as i can talk walk eat and go to the bathroom myself i aint old hehee

Going into 11th here.

Its good to see some older tamagotchi lovers around here -- nothing against them, but I feel so out numbered by the younger kids! :eek:

Of course you feel outnumbered...virtual pets were probably more targeted at younger kids :eek:

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Yep, true, hehe. Though, I guess you could say we're all young at heart...

well people who made the amagotchi say its for 8 yr old to 12 yr old gurls and 8 yrs old to 14 yr old guys lmao thast so twisted first of all im 14 and gurl and i love tamas and guys prolly dont even know what it is omg its just so weird

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