is anyone here 14-15 yrs old?


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Nah....I'm probably the only teenager in the WORLD that doesn't want to drive! People call me crazy, lol. I'm just scared of driving...I screw up things very easily... >_<

I'm almost sixteen, so I could have already taken drivers ed already.

Well I tried to drive once, with my father and he was so stressed up that I didn't really tried it again...I don't like when I'm not in control of a situation and that was too much.Besides I think that driving is alot of responsability wich I don't want to take...

I just don't feel secure as a driver... :unsure: :unsure:

YOU ARENT THE ONLY ONE woops caps were on but yeah u aont the only one wo dont wanna drive i dont wanna drive either u aint crazy :rolleyes:

I could have taken driver's ed long before now, but I don't know why I haven't. Lazy, I guess. :rolleyes:

yeah how old are you? im 15 and going into grade 10 but i cant take it in grade 10 cause i wont be old enuff so yeah i have to take it in grade 11

Well if something goes wrong and I hit someone... The other day I went to my cottage with my best friend ( she's been driving for a couple of years now) When we came back she hit a baby racoon... ;) she was thraumatised the day after she came at the bar where I work and she drank so much, to forget the feeling of the wheel under her seat bumping over the racoon... That's just a example... I don't want to take the chance to kill or hit someone or a animal that would be probably worst... ;)

There are a LOT of reasons why people like us are afraid of driving. Do you see how many car accidents and deaths are caused by driving? And tickets from the police too.

Of course you feel outnumbered...virtual pets were probably more targeted at younger kids :angry:
True, but of course, we were young too. And tamagotchi's were just startin' up when we were about these kids' age. Basically, we fell in love with them as kids, and thought passion is latent in our personality. Even years later, we still feel a slight compassion for those things.

Well if something goes wrong and I hit someone... The other day I went to my cottage with my best friend ( she's been driving for a couple of years now) When we came back she hit a baby racoon... :( she was thraumatised the day after she came at the bar where I work and she drank so much, to forget the feeling of the wheel under her seat bumping over the racoon... That's just a example... I don't want to take the chance to kill or hit someone or a animal that would be probably worst... :angry:
And that's why I ride a Vespa. Still, gotta get my G2 before I can get an M2. So much work.

i'm eighteen and i've had tamas since 1997 :wub:

i agree about the having a job thing. it just means more toys!

i have a stuffed animal weakness :mellow: i have about six that i have in on my bed right now.

i guess u didnt read my topic ITS said 14 TO 15 not 13 and a half but i suppose any1 older than 15 too is okay
God, you don't have to be so rude to people. I'm 11.

hey dont say that, one that is cruel, two.. that is swearing and it is againts the rules.

so overall you are the one in the wrong and you could face a warn

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