Is anyone here popular?


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Popular?It depends on what your defenition of popular is.

If you mean that snotty group that doesn't talk to you if you don't have a name-brand logo, then no.

But if you mean someone who has lots of awsome friends, then yes.
yah same i just have alot of friends verry few enimies

Ugh, i hate it, but yes. People never leave me alone! >_< Popular people in our school are just popular for being nice, though! ;)

Yeah,but all I am seen by the populars is a freak!I just want them to accept me,invite me to parites,shopping,and tons of compliments!
Be proud of being a freak, be proud of who you are.

If they call you a freak now, you don't need them.

I do shop at brand name stores, wear a litte bit of make-up, talk a lot and be myself. I'm liked for being myself, not who I'm not. I have a few popular friends, but it's no big deal. It's just who we are. =]

But I do gossip and spread rumors and tell people stuff they're not suppose to know and then the people who told me get all mad at me... hehe...

I guess the people who used to be my friends now see me as somewhat of a brat. =\

I do shop at brand name stores, wear a litte bit of make-up, talk a lot and be myself. I'm liked for being myself, not who I'm not. I have a few popular friends, but it's no big deal. It's just who we are. =]But I do gossip and spread rumors and tell people stuff they're not suppose to know and then the people who told me get all mad at me... hehe...

I guess the people who used to be my friends now see me as somewhat of a brat. =\
That's okay if they see you as a little bit of a brat. Nobody is perfectly nice, and we all have a mix of different attitudes. We are who we are. :]

I sometimes wear make-up(Eyeshadow,Lip-Gloss).The populars are just like that,they will only like you if you are popular. :)

//SC1994 :)

I don't really believe in the world popular.

I mean it's like to be popular is to buy things for people that don't even like you, have constant parties, have bf's and gf's, don't do work, be bad, be loud, and dance all day, also fight a lot, and wear the 'latest' and 'hippest' clothes...

I mean your being popular by being yourself, and hanging out with your own friends..

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I'm popular in my group of friends.... and all of us wear... BLACK!Everyone in my grade knows me as "The girl that can draw really well"

a lot of people know me as the "Smart one"/"Weird one"/"The dork"

HAHAHA!!! I'm FAR FROM POPULAR! I'm liked by people who know me... but ppl take advantage or me TT_TT

[SIZE=10pt]People are popular for different reasons...[/SIZE]

No... we are not part of the "PINK/JOCK/BRAND CLOTHING" group

Btw... Labeling sucks.... When you label someone, you are saying that is all they are and have ever been. That's not fair. I'm not saying that I haven't labeled... because believe me, i have, but I think it's best we not. It's cruel and unfair, and once you label someone something everyone else will label them that too. You don't know what their life is like. Sure it's ok to be jealous A LITTLE but you can't label them for it
Well agreed. In my school, people consider me as a goth or a stupid emp. Just because I like different things doesn't mean I deserve to be called these things.

In our school popular is defined as snotty, makeup splattered girls and aggresive jocks who change their girlfriends every weekend.

I'm popular for being funny but what's the point? They kicked me out of their 'group' because I was playing with my real friends that weren't popular so they got ticked! I don't care though. They are mean! They use me as a toy and treat me like something they can throw aside! What is so great about being popular? They think they have more power over all the other kids because they are.... well.... popular! :lol: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry: :angry:

Popularity, in my opinion is being nice and kind and having so many friends! I'm very popular in high school because of my accent but I dont care. they can do what they want. I like to be myself. I never wear make-up, fancy $200 clothes that will get stained, or any of those things. I'm just me. :lol:


When I went to High School all the 'popular' girls where only popular in their little group and refered to themselves as 'popular' even though no one else likes them, they where nasty to each other and bullied one of their friends out of school through jelousy that boys liked her not them.

I wouldn't say i'm popular, I have a group of friends I get on with very well :lol: and that's all that matters. Not everyone liking you because your 'popular'. [Just because your popular doesn't mean every boy will fancy you and stuff like that..Or that girls will want to be your friend because of who you are.]

Popularity,at my school,means wearing clothes from Abercrombie & Fitch,American Eagle,Hollister,Limited Too,and Aeropostale,wearing makeup,lipgloss,eyeshadow,making fun of people for sitting with losers.

But OMG,the populars were sitting with the losers of my grade,and people were laughing at them kinda.


I'm sorry you're becoming popular, I hate popular people. I'll miss liking you! :lol: ;) :D

Popular people and the girl that is dating 'Super Nerd' don't mix well.

*No offence to anyone on here*

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You can look at siggy... I know almost all the popular girls, but hang out whith all of the ranks( I hope i dont affend anyone whith how i word this) I usualy do wear pricie clothes, but no make-up... i tend to stay away from any of the mean girls though... 2 tell u the thruth, 1 of the mean girls probably wants to kill me right now, so i just stay away from her... FAR away.

p.s. I agsadgerate in my siggy :lol:

Ok,some people think that populars are stuck-up just because they don't hang out with the less populars.Who agrees with that?I kinda do.


Last year I "wasn't", but now I guess I can say I. I have tons of friends who are very popular, and everybody seems to like me. But still....popularity is different for everybody. My perspective on being popular is having tons of true friends. :furawatchi: Not the snotty group of girls who giggle at recess.


Last year I "wasn't", but now I guess I can say I. I have tons of friends who are very popular, and everybody seems to like me. But still....popularity is different for everybody. My perspective on being popular is having tons of true friends. :furawatchi: Not the snotty group of girls who giggle at recess.
Yeah,they are like that at my school,I have lots of friends,and people "seem" to like me.


I might be. I guess I'm popular in some ways and unpopular in others. It may even be the same way. I am short, smart, and have different opinions to most people at school-I don't like football, the current fasion (I really don't care if my shoes arn't Nike, or whatever other big brand.) or rap. And I do like Tamas and Lego. This makes me a good target for bullying for some, or a celebrity for others (it's weird. they seem to like me because I'm the shortest in school. Maybe they are bullying me behind my back by pretending to like me?... But that could just be paranoia). I am different. I like to be different.

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