Is anyone here popular?


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You know what I think is the worst of the popularity scale?

The hate in it.

Seriously, yes, some of the 'proclaimed populars' can be snotty and rude, but they are also people.

Even if you don't like them have a bit of respect. You want respect, and so do they- if they seem to or not. Everyone has feelings.

I know my stand point in life, I have a bunch of great friends, but the people that the other 'non-populars', 'don't care', whatever people hate them while I feel bad for them. They're the people that need a good friendship because inside, that's all they ever want- they just don't know how to get it.

So next time you say you hate them, or if your friend turns 'popular' you hate her too, remember THEY ARE PEOPLE TOO!!!

whats up w/ ppl and there popularity?

i still dont get it!

does it really matter?

i sorta am coz i gt a friend who's famous like been on t.v and wat not, she gunna b in the film journey 2 da moon soon!!!!!!!

so i sorta am :)and im her bezzie 4 lyf :D and she's my bezzie

















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whats up w/ ppl and there popularity?i still dont get it!

does it really matter?
People like to be, well liked by other people.

Some in different ways.

Some kids think they have to put on globs of makeup to have friends, others don't care what they look like and do/do not have real friends depending on how they act.

Sadly you can't get away from popularity so it kinda does matter.

It just depends on how you handle it and act.

Yes and no. I have many freinds and am kind to everyone I know so I'm popular in that way.

The 'popular' people in my school are skaters that were Etnies (sp?) and Vans (I wear Vans but I'm not in the 'popular' group), they also wear the hottest clothing. But the 'popular' people only have a few freinds in my grade. I feel bad for them.

In my school I'm known as - 'The reading girl', 'The manga and anime nerd' (a.k.a. the Naruto obsesed girl), and 'the shy girl'.

I honestly don't care if I'm popular or not though.


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Nope. I have a lot of friends though, and most people like me and think I'm a decent person.

At my school almost all of the popular girls are very nice. And the popular boys are either nice and/or funny.

I'm not in school, so popularity isn't an object anymore.

When I was in school I was popular in the sense that everyone knew me, but rarely talked or hung out with me.


I am known by most of the kids in my year group, as 'The crzy one' Or 'mentalist' XD thats cuz most of tha time i act all crazy at break (dont ask y...i cant answer that either...)

i have alot of frineds...but i'm bot snotty or snibby...i'm a nice person! ^-^

Popularity doesn't matter.

(Refering back to the topic) No, I'm not popular. But I have many freinds so it doesn't mattter ^n^.


im sort of popular.

i mean, among friends, and stuff.

there is this one really popular kid, who is awesome at sports, funny, and really nice!

I kinda am.You see,I just sing and dance on stage for vietnamese occasions and some other places we've been asked to.

All schools divide the kids into groups.

Like goths, skaters, dancers, cheerleaders, jocks, football players, and all that stuff.

It's the way things go when half of us wish they didn't go that way. It's life, and what can do to stop it? Nothing I tell you. Nothing.

So the popular girls wear make up? I wear a touch of make up, a barely enough to notice amount of maskara, a touch of blush, and some pinkish lip gloss. The populars wear makeup too. But does wearing makeup make you popular? No, having friends does.

Popular to me is being rich in friends that love you.

So to answer your question, yes I am.

But my friends are the "popular" people. That every boy wants to date, and all of that. They're hilarious, and thats why I like them.

Popular at my school is different than what I think it is. Popular at school is all the boys like you, your pretty, and everyone wants to be your friend. Not to fair to me.

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Unfortunatly- I'm the Queen Bee in everyones eyes, which bugs the crap out of me!! I hate it, I want to be normal

Although in my mental state, I'm anything but normal

[SIZE=14pt]Being popular isn't everything, and it isn't important. At my school, the popular girls are really mean. They also judge on your looks and what you wear. Ergh![/SIZE]


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