Is Bandai going to release the V5.5 in Australia?


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V5.5? Dang... Why is Bandi doing such stupid things? Making new versions like walking up a staircase!!! :puroperatchi: and secretly making V5.5?!?! I gust bought a V5 and now i hear of a new one? Not buying it. No way. Nope. Nada. Ziltch. :chohimetchi:

I think they wont. Sorry. I may not be right but, I think the chances are very low. From what I've heard, the .5s are only for certain countries, like Japan, USA etc. Do not think I am right because I might not be but that is what I have heard.



I think that they well and if it comes out there it should come out here! ^_^ B) :mimitchi:

Well, the thing is, you know the V4.5 came out ages ago? Where I live, they only just came out which means that it might be the same case in australia. Them not putting the V5.5 out for ages atleast not until a possible V6.

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