Is It Frozen? T____T


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Aug 8, 2007
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ok.. so the matchmaker came on my tamagotchi V4 and i pressed A...i noticed that it was bringing with it not a tamagotchi but a set of moving lines...i should have noticed something was wrong but then the screen changed to that one where it asks "love?" yes or no and i clicked yes but now its just stuck on that screen...what ever shall i do? i really dont wish to start over at gen 1 because i was so looking forward to having grandparents...hahaha...oh dear....can someone please help me?

btw iono if this makes any diff but it was sitting on my desk next to my camera and in front of the computer screen...

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i am not sure if every version of tamagotchi connection has this but if you push the botton of reset it sould ask you if you want to download or reset then you should put download and it should be back to normal!!

EDIT! I did that! thank you very much my dear!

i was thinking about doing that. ;) i am still afraid of losing all my info though T_____T i might just do it anyway depending on how my mood swings haha. thanks very much for your input!

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Nope. You just can't interact with it yet. I was freaked out when my Kuchipatchi did that. ^^ :wub:

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