Is it hard to understand an ID L?


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Well-known member
Jun 29, 2012
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I mean it's all in Japanese and I really don't speak that language...

I speak dutch, french, german, english, but japanese...

How long did it take you guys to really understand how the thing works?

I'm a long way for buying an ID L, don't get me wrong, but I'm just really curious about it.

It looks cool, but is it really?

That brings me to a second question...

Is it really cooler than a tamagotchi + color or a Tamagotchi ID ??

*Topic moved to 'Help for New Tamagotchi Pet Owners'*

I don't know a lot of Japanese and it was actually a fairly easy and straightforward process figuring out the ID L (and other Japanese Tamagotchis for that matter). There is a really excellent Tamagotchi ID L Guide HERE that binary has been so kind to put together for us. It runs through all the different menus and stat screens and their functionality in English. It's very helpful and I would highly recommend taking a read.

I don't have a lot of experience running an ID L, but there are many members running one in their LOGS. I always enjoy reading user logs as it gives you a good idea of what to expect out of a particular model.

Is it cooler than a TMGC+C or ID? Well, I wouldn't say it's "cooler" per say. Maybe just improved as there are a lot of new downloads and characters to obtain. Hope this helps!

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I am a complete Japanese n00b. (I only know a few Kanji characters, and only because of Chinese xD) It didn't take me very long to understand it; it works virtually like a Connection Tamagotchi.

Like graficks said, I wouldn't say "cooler". Newer or with more features are the ways I'd describe it. But definitely not "cooler". In fact, there was a phase I went through when all I wanted to buy were iD's. xD

Thanks for the information. Too bad that I still haven't got a clue of what a connection is and how it works lol!

I've bought a V6 and a Tamago, so withing a few days or weeks I should get an idea about this.

And maybe next month when I saved up...who knows :D

I can read exactly 0 words of Japanese, and I ran my iD L for 63 generations- so yes, it's very easy to figure out. ;) The setup is close enough to the Connection Tamas that it won't take too long to figure it out, and even if you don't know what everything is, it's fun to experiment, go through trial-and-error and such to figure out how everything works.

I've never played with any other color version, so I can't put my opinion in on that, but it certainly has the most features out of all the color versions. (And the most characters :) )

63 generations? OMG :eek:

Hmm...I think I figured out which one to buy next ;)

Thx for all the information guys ^_^

Yeah I'll second that notion.

Whilst I don't have a ID, I do have a TMGC+C and various other Japanese Tamas. They're easy to understand and the basic functioning is the same. With the new features, after a while of just playing around, you begin to learn what they all mean. I wouldn't put the language barrier put you off getting one. :)

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