Is it normal for a tama to evolve in its sleep?!


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Well-known member
Jun 24, 2010
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Ok, this was something that happened to my tamagotchi months ago, I think January, February time? I had a young Mimitchi and it was asleep, it evolved into a mimitchi and then fell asleep again. :eek: It was on the music star and I didn't even pause it once, so is it normal for a tama to even evolve like that?

Thank you~! Hmm, maybe it's from REALLY good care.. I wonder if it happened to anyone else xD

Welcome to TamaTalk! :ichigotchi: Yeah, it has happened to me before, many times. :) Tamagotchi Music Stars evolve after 24 hours. Adults are 27 or 30 hours. :)

Thanks for welcoming me~ as I said I think it comes from good care

Yep! that happened to me on my V4...was a teen, so it woke up a 9:00 A.M, then evolved, then went right back to sleep! I thinks it's pretty weird, but definently possible. :mellow:

Yes, it is possible.

If you started it , like, at 9 pm, your tama would firstly evolve (not counting the egg) and then fall asleep. I did an expiriment to see at what time does it evolve, and I found that they evolve generaly at the same time they were born.

Hope it helps!

Yes, it does happen, but only if you hatched the egg at a time it's supposed to be sleeping, E.g, You hatched it at 11:00PM, and that's the time your toddler will become a teen. It happens on Ascestor Tamagotchis aswell.

No tama evolves in sleep.

If you have it on at night, and it grows to the right age to evolve during sleeping, it will evolve at the same time as waking up, it is though possible that it evolves to a charachter with a later wake up time, then it will go to sleep right after evolving and it will look like it evolved during sleeping.

NOTE: if you have it on at night, and it grows to the right age to evolve during sleeping, but pause it before it wakes up it won't evolve when you unpause it, and not at the right time.

I hope I cleared things out now! :D

Yup, I've had mine evolve in the middle of the night once... scared me pretty good! I thought he was dying or something!

Oh, the weird things tamas do sometimes...

You would think that if your Tama was sleeping, and it was the time for it to evolve, it would evolve right then, just wake up, evolve, and go back to sleep, but it doesnt. What lolokotchi said was right. It evolves as soon as it wakes up.

Evolving and falling asleep again

is what happens when you start

up a tamagotchi late persay

i start my tamagotchi at 2:00 A.M

it turns toddler goes to bed and next

night i look at it at 2:00 A.M and boom

it evolves to teen.It's happened to me,

like today at 2:00 A.M it evolved.

again it's a late thing.

My V5 has evolved during the night (around 3AM once) a few times. So I don't see why anyone would say they never evolve at night. XD

My Ketai (I think that's the name? It's the one with the red screen), evolved during the night a few times, too.

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