Is it normal for kids


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I wouldn't say it's a big normality, but it has happened. I'm depressed, but usually friends, family and music hlep me out. You could even get therapy or see a counsellor if you need it. Talk to your parents first. ;)

Although it does happen, depression can be confused with just being in a funk for whatever reason. I thought I had depression and when I told my mom that I wanted to go see someone to talk to I immediately felt some relief.

Maybe you should ask your mom or dad about getting a counselor to talk to. Even if you don't have any major problems or clinical depression, as my counselor puts it, life is hard and because of that it helps to talk it out even if the little things.

My problem is that I generally can't find someone to listen to me and understand my issues so it helps to have someone I knows how.

You're probably just in a hormonial low but either way, it's worth a try.

It sometimes happens. I'd say talk to someone about it. Sometimes kids feel like that if they're stressed out or being ignored or teased. I know from experience. :p

Yes. Every human is capable of depression.


I was always depressed when I was younger.

I feel the same way tamaw/pants , but its more than that, more than just wanting someone to listen... I feel so empty, I mean by that, like darkness just something that blows me away into nothing , its really when I watch anime movies and cartoons, I love them so much and I want that to be my life but I know that will never happen, so I just end up being sad, I wish for magic to be true not the evil kind the movie kind where you can levitate water, make fire appear in your hand, move earth..I have dreams but when I realize that if that can't be real then what is the point of me being alive?, I want a perfect life where im truely happy, thats why I write anime stories, they make me happy... then with everything else, mean brother, kind of mean dad , mom that assumes to much..that just makes things worse and!... i cant decide on my religion!.. I remember reading this one coment on a website, it hert me so much, it almost made me become an athiest..but I pray to "god" to be able to keep being believing in him.. I geuss its not just depression , my life is just runed.. but when i finish my stories, it makes me feel so good..oh well, thanks for listening, i think i might try to tell my parents about it... *says slowy * "off, off....and away..."

Of course its normal to be depressed. Don't be stupid, anybody can.

If you don't like it, actually work to change it, K? Don't become all whiny. I hate it when that happens when people don't even try to help themselves.

I'm saying this with all due respect and as someone who has this problem also but maybe it's your attitude.

You say you wish your life was perfect like movies. The sooner you learn that life will never be perfect the better. So take hold of the little things in life that are good and happy and think of the next road block as a challenge. Take time to smell the roses, in other words. If you turn to some other religion over a comment then you obviously have some learning to do. If you're Christian, talk to your pastor or youth minister to help you learn and understand more. God won't "make you believe" and how can be close to someone if you don't put efort into the relationship? It doesn't "just happen".

Maybe you do have clinical depression but it sounds like an attitude probem. We all have low points and you just have to find ways to get over them.

it is possible for everyone to be depressed.

sometimes it can't be helped.

usually it can.

try looking at it differently.

don't diagnose it, don't give it a name.

think about it differently.

take a different approach.

it may just be a phase.

attitude is'nt everything, but it sure is important. look around for inspiration. if you don't try to fix it, nobody will.

well, i did in 2007 , but its just diffrent for some kids. so its normal and not normal.

I'd like to point out that there is a VERY big difference between actual depression, sadness, angst, and being in a slump. Just because you're sad doesn't mean you have depression.

Thanks for the advice and I just now remembered, years ago I was one of those happy go lucky fun loving kids but now I am no where near the same, maybe your right it might be a faze.Sweetkandi your right, it feels more like a high level of sadness, not depression, but... one saying always cheers me up, "The more bad things in life you have the better your good things feel"or however you say it .. and maybe it is my attitude, im usually treating my freinds differently [ mean to be exact ] so, now that all of you explained this to me, maybe my life will change! ... thankies! *says happily* "Off off and away!"

I checked your profile and you appear to be twelve years old. In that context, I would say it's very normal and will probably pass. When people turn from kids to teenagers, chemicals show up in the body that can make you feel very depressed for little or no reason. It can last several years, and can be very, very rough. I was pretty bummed out from around 12-15 years old, then I stabilized.

You should probably talk with your parents about it, and make sure your relationship with them stays strong - they can help you a lot with it. And don't worry - you will eventually feel better.

Having said that, signs of serious depression, such as thoughts about death, self-harm or suicide, can and should be dealt with by professionals. Any thoughts of this nature should be talked over with your parents in order to cut off any risk of something bad happening.

Take care!

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Thanks chibipluto, that seems weird that your body would do that to your emotion, but there is practicaaly nothing I can do, so? well thanks! and - runescape mystery123 - if you learn to earn things on your own, then it feels good, and that way you won't be so dependant on your parents..ell "Off off and away!"

[SIZE=7pt]Depression is normal for people of all ages.[/SIZE]

So please don't feel left out.

It happens for many reasons.

And, as I assume that you are 12 years old, I know that the preteen years are tough.

But your age has it's turning points.

It's a changing time.

I'm 13, and I know that for sure.

And there's so many positive things in life. So, why miss out on noticing them?

And to feel better, hold onto your hope. :D

Find out the reason why you are feeling so down.

That will definetely help you when it comes to feeling better.

Don't feel so bad about yourself, and I know how hard that is.

You have to believe in yourself. Find all of your great qualities. You have them in you. Everyone does. :mametchi:

And nobody gets exactly what they want, whenever they want.

Well, at least most people that you're going to come in contact with.

Have somebody that you can rely on, whether it's friends and family.

And your Parents are definetely there to help.

Talking to them about your problems helps so much.

As long as you can trust them, you can tell them absolutely everything.

I talk to my Family Doctor about what I'm feeling once-in-a-while.

And he has some good stuff to say.

Don't feel like you need to schedule extra Doc' appointments.

Just bring it up during your appointments.

I know, this was a really long reply.

I hope you feel better! ;)

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