Is it ok?


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I'm not really sure. I wouldn't do it if i were may get inside accidently and ruin ur tama. They sell lime green tamas. Try getting 1 of those. :huh:

Maybe... just keep the paint out of the buttons and away from the screen. Perhaps a better approach would be to buy a lime-green Tamagotchi, or use stickers to decorate it. And don't use nail-polish!! :p Be careful with your Tamagotchi!

StarTama :huh:

Paint is ok, try to keep the paint off of the screen and buttons (like StarTama said.) Remember when you paint it, don't add too much water because Tamagotchi are electronics and...electronics don't go well with water! Good Luck!

I'm not really sure. I wouldn't do it if i were may get inside accidently and ruin ur tama. They sell lime green tamas. Try getting 1 of those. :huh:
Thanks! But I want to custamize my own... :p

Will it damage anything? I always wanted to kinda paint my tama with lime green... :lol:
If you want to customize your own, then what I did is purchase Sharpie markers and color with it on my Tama. I did this with my V1 in August, and nothing's wrong with it! So, I believe it's safe to use Sharpie markers on it. (They're not permanent on Tamas!)

~ Dolores ~

Dont paint on it. I think paint has an asid in it. And you just be taking the risk as debuging it

Hm......well, I wouldn't recommend it. But it's up to you. Just make sure you take caution while painting. I think it's very creative of you to want to design your own, but it may ruin your tama. But, you can never know until you try! ^-^'


Will it damage anything? I always wanted to kinda paint my tama with lime green... ^_^
Yeppers! I've seen friends do it multiple times. :wacko: Here is some tips 1.cover the buttons and screen with clear peices of tape, to keep paint off of the screen and all important buttons. :lol: 2. Do 1 coat and let dry for 20 minutes, then add a second coat.

3.Dont use your tama for say;30 min...?!

But, I'd Recommend Sharpie Permanent (sp?) markers, They lower the cause of getting into little cracks and destroying yout tamagotchi. :mametchi: Whatever you pick is up to you, its your tama, but be carful with it :lol:

in my opinion, i don't think that you should. it could ruin the tama if you don't paint it right. if you do then it would be totally sweet. but remember, you could regret painting it. you should just by a lime green tama instead of painting over this one. but it is really your decision if you want to paint it or not.


What you could do is take the back cover off and paint that :lol:

It works! Or you could use a bunch of lime-green stickers... why not paint it lemon-yellow? :)

I'm sure that if you keep the paint away from the cracks on the back side and away from the buttons and screen it would be fine but like many others have said Sharpies would be much safer. Whatever you choose think about it: what's more important to you? The safety of your tamagotchi or the appearence of the tamagotchi? Just remember paint is permanent! :lol:


Nail polish stinks and smells!!! Paint gets into cracks, and is very messy. Now sharpie Markers like al,most every one here has been saying work well, do usually. Sharpies do usually come off, but if you do it to thick or to much, it might me perminate, so be careful -_-

I would suggest not painting yuor tamagotchi as it may get into the cracks and ruin the battery or buttons.


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