Is it okay for guys to wear skinny jeans?


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That's the point xD
Feminine is adorable. I like it when guys are nice, sweet, and kind of pansies, much better than when they cuss in every sentence, only call me "hoe," "b'tch," or "wh're," and go on and on about how they beat some 'queer' up the other day. All in an attempt to impress me. WTF.

I know lots of guys who wear skinny jeans that act like a*****. ]:

Anyways, I feel like a lot of guys wear it for the attention, so I voted no. I know someones probably gonna come up with an explanation saying otherwise, but oh well. ^^

I like it when guys are nice and sweet as well.

But I like them to look, well, masculine.

But maybe I'm weird because I hate it when guys wear pink as well. LOL

Sure, if they like looking like pansies.

I think skinny jeans on both girls and especially guys are disgusting.

Anorexia doesn't look good, so why would jeans that make you look anorexic look good?

^Then you would hate my brother's looks, haha.

He wears light pink shirts, light blue skinny jeans and I reckon he looks awesome. And he's not gay at all. He's got a girlfriend and went to her house tonight, lolio.

Michael wears skinnyjeans -melts-

Yeah, but only if they fit well and stuff.

Mmm. I love a hot guy in skinnies. x3

Therefore, my opinion its okay for guys and most girls like it when they do wear them.

Well, depends on the girl.

Just TRY and get a pair of skinny jeans that are meant for boys; okay?

It's weird when the guys at my school wear the exact same pair of skinnies as me. o_O

Hah, of course it's okay.

I'm a guy and I wear them.

Why can't you wear them? :S

It shouldn't matter to other people what you wear.

I really am on the fence. I don't think they are hot, or er, not.

Better than pants below the butt, but not as good as regular.

I guess I like moderately fitted jeans. :]

As it goes around our table.

"Its a balls vs looks deal."

Most of my friends pick the former.

I think they want children.

Anyways, its up to you. Dont buy into a fad because its popular, wear what you want and what fits you best.

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