is it okay?


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Well-known member
Nov 13, 2008
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This morning i got water in my tamagotchi. (I could see it in the screen) and I put it face down on a piece of paper. now im home from school. theres a bit of water left and it's hard to see the pixels. Plus, pixles that are very light are over my tama. what should i do?

sorry but if it an old one then i guess your out of luck i had the same thing happen to one of my v4s before and soon after it stoped working <_<

Try taking out the battery and adding a new. Or perhaps, remove the screen, dry it then put it back in. Simple.


Sorry if these tips don't work. Try sending it to a repair store. Or buy a new.

Girlytama107 xxx

you need to take it all the way apart and dry it out completely. otherwise it will probably stop working completely.

This has happened to my sister before. She left it in her pats pocket, went through the washer machine, and it got all weird and watery. Then the water got out somehow, a few pixels didn't work in some places, and the screen was all wrinkly, and you couldn't see two of the little option things, but it still worked. But I cannot ganntee yours will be the same. Does it still work in genral? If not, you'll probably have to egt a new one, but putting it face down on paper was a good idea. :)

Unscrew every thing (including circuit board screws) in gently lay everything in a warm place to dry.

The same thing happened to me with my v.3 but it was soda o_O anyways heres what i did.

I took the back off of it and took the battery out and then got a towel and set my tamagotchi on the towel and let the soda drain out of it, i was scared because i diddent know if i got all the soda out so i left it for about 2 days with no battery and then when i put the battery back in it it was perfectly fine and i even got my tamagotchi back!

So try this if it doesnt work you migth have to get a new tamagotchi :)

also, in addition to leaving it somewhere safe to dry, do not put it under a heater, hair dryer, near a hair straightener, or in direct sunlight on a window sill, this could further damage your Tamagotchi no matter how much you think it will help

You need to try to take it apart and dry it and if that one doesnt work get the same verson again at the store or on EBAY!

I had this problem once, but it was watered-down play doh. Once the stuff dried, it was a MESS. I followed these instructions, but instead of changing anything, I gently dried it off and left the battery out for a bit until it dried. The instructions are for the old versions, but the tama's haven't changed much, they use a different battery, and you just have to be careful not to let the IR things fall out too. I've done this twice now, and both times it's been OK, as long as you go slow and gentle, it should work.

Hope I helped,


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