Is It Possilbe..


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•--- j i n x

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Dec 23, 2008
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I.. I have this obsession. I have to take atleast two showers a day, but if I'm home alone, I'll take four showers and such. Its like, I have too. I freak out if I feel disgusting.

Is this normal?

Is this a problem?

I really need answers, but I don't know where to look.

Are there others out there?

Hm.. Some people do have a serious condition of being afraid of germs but just because you feel like you need to shower doesn't mean you have some sort of condition.

I've never heard of a serious shower compulsion but I can kind of relate in that I hate when my face feel greasy. Some people can be grease balls [not to be rude, lol] and not care but if I feel even a bit of grease on my face I feel really icky and really want to wash my face. I started using those sheets that you blot the grease off and I began using them more and more just because I became more and more sensitive to it.

Honestly, I don't think there's anything 'wrong' with you. You've probably just become sensitive to this because you've allowed to take so many showers. I'm sure you can ween yourself off of some many because showering that much is actually unhealthy! Once a day is adaquete.

So remind yourself next time that you don't need it and taking so many is actually worse that one! Just don't let yourself make a mountain out of a mole hill. Just keep reminding yourself you only need one or two [two is usually not necessary to begin with] and aim to just cut the unnecessary obsession. It might feel gross for a while but eventually it won't matter as much.

my mom once told me that it is a sort of perfectionism, i have this obsession to like eg. touch everything twice or touch things with both arms not just one, if i don't, it kinda lingers in my mind and i can't concentrate until i have fulfilled what i haven't done lol

my mom once told me that it is a sort of perfectionism, i have this obsession to like eg. touch everything twice or touch things with both arms not just one, if i don't, it kinda lingers in my mind and i can't concentrate until i have fulfilled what i haven't done lol
That would be Obsessive Compulsive Disorder, dear. ;]

Pretty much what tw/p said... no, I don't think that there is anything nessicarily wrong with taking so many showers, but it isn't good for you. It will seriously dry out your skin. And not only that, but it's a waste of water! Not to mention I bet it runs up your parents water bill, or if you have well water, it leaves little water for others.

So it would be benificial to try and cut down on your showers. Just ween yourself off slowly. Maybe if you feel the need to shower, just go into the bathroom and splash your face with some cold water, or drink some water. That may help. :huh:

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my mom once told me that it is a sort of perfectionism, i have this obsession to like eg. touch everything twice or touch things with both arms not just one, if i don't, it kinda lingers in my mind and i can't concentrate until i have fulfilled what i haven't done lol

And I thought I was alone D:

^ Lol! I sometimes get that too, but very rarely. I haven't got OCD - don't worry, my friends! =3

I think it's normal to feel the need for cleanliness, but, as tamaw/pants said, more than one shower a day is actually not very good for you. One reason why is that is dries your skin out ~ if you're using hot water, that is, and I don't know about you but I need my showers to be nice and HOT. x3

So next time you feel one of these "shower urges", just wash your hands and face at the sink and see how you feel. =]

It could be OCD. My brother got it once about hand cleanliness. He almost took off all his hand skin scrubing. -eck-

I'm personally happy with one a day. I live in a room that I wouldn't be surprised if a lost hiker jumped out of so its sorta obvious i'm not a clean freak.

Maybe you just like showers. I liked baths I had at least 2 a day but our new house doesn't have one. Gerr

You're probably fine. It is possible to be too clean, my mom is living proof. It's not actually unhealthy, it just annoys the crap out of everyone who lives with you XD



my mom once told me that it is a sort of perfectionism, i have this obsession to like eg. touch everything twice or touch things with both arms not just one, if i don't, it kinda lingers in my mind and i can't concentrate until i have fulfilled what i haven't done lol
I can relate to you because I have to touch everything twice or with both arms too. Once I was on a field trip and when I stepped on a manhole outside with one foot I later ran back and stepped on it with my other and my class mates thought I was really wierd. And when I went to D.C. I had to touch all 4 sides of the Washington Monument and all of the bench things that surrounded it because of this "ooh, I'll probably never get to touch this again..." feeling I get. -.-'

You're probably fine. It is possible to be too clean, my mom is living proof. It's not actually unhealthy, it just annoys the crap out of everyone who lives with you XD

Well that's not entirely true. Overtime you lose good bacteria on one's body that helps you keep healthy, and washing them away tends to make you more likely to get sick not being protected as one would normally. I watched a documentary years ago regarding that and in some cases, the immune system is weakened where it can get really bad and fast for someone who is too clean.

I'm moreso talking in the more harsher cases, but you get the idea. I'll agree it's annoying, but overtime it can mess things up too if you aren't careful.

Some people just have tendencies toward doing this sort of thing. I used to be really bad about needing to be overly clean, too. Instead of showering multiple times a day, I used to take showers that lasted 1 hour-1 1/2 hours long every day. I would scrub methodically in the shower to make sure I was as clean as anyone could ever get...and then some. I would even have to scrub each section of my body a certain number of times. If I didn't, I didn't think I was clean.

It got so bad that I would end up running all the hot water out and spend 40 minutes or so in ice cold water. After I dried off, my skin was so dried out that my back, stomach and arms would become covered in tiny little splits that burned like crazy. I never wanted to put lotion on, because it felt like I was greasy then, and dirty. I even was so uptight about shaving my armpits that because of the already dehydrated skin I had, they would end up bleeding after I shaved them, and it hurt so bad for hours it drove me crazy.

There came a time when I started feeling so trapped and frustrated by my cleanliness compulsions that I just became really angry one day. I had enough. I just told myself that what I was doing was stupid and pointless. I was sick and tired of being trapped into a routine like that by my own inability to control my mind. So, that day, I just said enough is enough, and I'm done. Period. I went and took my shower then, did it completely differently that I used to, and only took 30 minutes in the water. I realized that nothing bad happened as a result of my showering differently, and that I felt absolutely liberated. I have never looked back since. :huh:

I know that all this sounds silly to some people, but it is a very frustrating thing to go through. Just know that if you allow yourself to get fed up with it, and start training yourself to think that what you are doing is pointless nonsense...even if it doesn't feel that can get past it!

xP 4 showers? My parents think 2 showers a day is too much. We normally take just one a day.

Sometimes, I just feel gross when I touch things like, in my mouth. Or after I chew cum, I want to spit it in the garbage instead of hold it and throw it away. XD I don't like the smell of saliva on my hands so if I do lick my finger or something, it's usually because I'm already at home and I can go wash my hands whenever I want to.

yes, you can get really sick if you hardly have bacteria. (my parents are doctors, so i know) but it's almost impossible to have no bacteria.

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