Is it true/fake?


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Well-known member
Feb 11, 2007
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Austin, Texas
My friend claims she got raped! OMG I don't know what to do! I think she might be lying or something though.

Here's our E-mails:

Her:i cant believe i am telling you this but i have been raped 4 times by my camp counselor this

Me:wahhhht..... omg ------ don't tell me tell your freaking parents or someone!


Me:Well tell someone! like, tell me the entire story of what happened.

Her:(in white, highlight to see if old/mature enough)I don't know who this man even is, but I know it is the same man because of the way his fingers feel all over my body

I was taped and masked, thrown against walls, and forced to continue to have sex with the man.

before he puts the tape over my eyes he will show me a sharp knife.

I have been striped completely naked

the last time I have been raped was 3 days ago

I have only left my room twice to eat ever since, i keep my blinds closed and i fear to even take my clothes off or even look at my body

and no, i have not told any body

i think that it might have been one of my camp counselors, becuase this all happened at camp

i fear to tell anybody

please help me......................................i go back to camp in 1 week









OOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO OMG!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Me:You have to tell your parents!

Do you guys know if she's telling the truth or not? She may just be trying to get attention. From the way she is talking I can't be sure. Before I take action I want to make sure she is telling the truth.

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I think your friend is making this up only to scare you because you're going to camp.

Respond to your friend that you're going to call the police to help her. See what she says then.

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Girls and Ladies: if someone comes at you with a knife or gun, or tries to abduct you, scream your head off! It will scare the attacker, and bring help fast.

If someone does attack you, call the police as soon as you can. Don't protect your attacker. It's not your fault if someone attacks you. Your parents won't blame you for it.

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I think your friend is making this up only to scare you because you're going to camp.
Respond to your friend that you're going to call the police to help her. See what she says then.

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Girls and Ladies: if someone comes at you with a knife or gun, or tries to abduct you, scream your head off! It will scare the attacker, and bring help fast.

If someone does attack you, call the police as soon as you can. Don't protect your attacker. It's not your fault if someone attacks you. Your parents won't blame you for it.

If shes lying she WOULDNT wanna get the police involved

Well she may be lying but it also could be the she is genuinly afraid. Also sometimes people that are raped feel ashamed of themselves and don't want to tell others because they don't want...well I'm not sure. Anyway it's different for everyone. Just tell her you're going to tell someone and see how she reacts however her reaction should still not be relied upon. You should persue it until the rapeist is caught or she admits it was all a bad joke. I'm sure she won't hate you for telling anyone if it's true. If it isn't well it's her fault.

She might of been lying but, do what Binary said, say you're going to call the police to gt help for her. She might be telling the truth but, who would lie about something as serious as that?

You should get somebody involved. Immediately.

Your friend probably feels ashamed and afraid. That is normal to anyone who has been raped. It is also normal not to want to tell anyone.

However, it is vital that you tell a trustable adult as soon as you can. If you don't want to call the police just yet, talk to your parents and see what they have to say about the situation. They can help you make the right descision.

Your friend may be mad at you if you tell someone. But in the future she'll realize that you told only because you care so much and you wanted to get the best help possible for you friend.

Hm, that's a toughie. But I kind of agree with Binary that she might just be trying to scare you.

If she is telling the truth though, make sure she tells her parents or the police. She needs to know that it's not her fault that this happened to her and she won't get in trouble.

:D Rape is a terrible thing.

Good luck.


You need to tell this friend that you are contacting the police right away. If she is bluffing, she will admit it then and there.

Before you call the police, you need to know where this 'camp' is. What is the name of the camp and hopefully this guys name. Get your information straight then call.

This is a really sick and wrong thing to lie about. If it is a lie, she needs help and you need to back away from that little nut job as a 'friend'. This is nothing to make fun of or even bring up if it is not true.

If she was thrown against walls, she'd be bruised, and chances are someone would have heard the noise.

I agree with Mothra and Binary.

I'm sorry, but everything she said sounds a bit too far-fetched.

Mothra and binary: You took the words right out of my mouth. Tell her you're calling the police. If she's lying, she'll probably snap then. Rape is a terrible, terrible thing, and it's no laughing matter.

Sweet Kandi, I totally agree. Someone would've heard, and she would've been bruised or cut or somethng.

If she is telling the truth, then really DO call the police! Get all the camp information first, so they'll know where it's at, who the counselors are, and everything else they need to know. But sooner or later, she has to tell someone about this. It's very sick to even imagine it happening to a friend. You just help her any way you can (if she's telling the truth).

She sent me another email:

i cant

they will flip out


i hava an online


EDIT: I just sent back:

Are you really telling the truth, because I'm gonna call the police if you are.

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I understand what Sweet Kandi, Mothra and Binary are saying. However, she is your friend and it may well be happening to her. Forget all your doubts for a minute and trust her. Try and help her by actually calling the police, etc. This is very serious.

She said:


its going to be ok.

like i said,

i have an online counselor

shes helping me go through one


at a


you know,

she has also

gone through rape

which is also helps

here is her email if you want to chat and find out

what is going on ( her name is ----- :blink: ) [email protected]

and then:

she said i should buy Pepper spray!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I honestly don't think that is how conselors roll- online or not. :/

Pepper spray? Maybe, but that's NOT exactly the most important part you would have gotten from the woman. :blink:

I think this is just some sick joke, honestly.

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It sounds like your friend is now trying to minimize the lie.

I would back off. She's clearly got issues.

She said:phoebe,

its going to be ok.

like i said,

i have an online counselor

shes helping me go through one


at a


you know,

she has also

gone through rape

which is also helps

here is her email if you want to chat and find out

what is going on ( her name is ----- :D ) [email protected]

and then:

she said i should buy Pepper spray!!!!!!!!!!!!!
^That's all we needed to hear to confirm that she's lying. Here I go, starting a rant of stuff on my mind again. xD

Here is the first thing that comes to my mind: "Oh yeah, she trusts an online counselor, a complete stranger, but she can't trust her own parents with her little 'secret'? That is wrong. Very wrong."

I agree with TW/P... pepper spray? Not the best advice to give. That counselor is probably not even a professional. And what Mothra said... she's trying to minimize the lie.

That is very sick, to lie about something as serious as that. It's... dimented. Just back away from your "friend". Tell her that lying about something as serious as rape is not funny at all. It's horrible. What about the people that have been raped? It's just terrible. Very, very terrible.

Or, if you REALLY want to see if she's still lying, then tell her you're calling the police now. Although you probably don't need to, 'cause after that e-mail, it's kind of clear she is.

It seems to be becoming clearer that she's lying. Perhaps if you scare her by saying you're gonna call the police she'll admit she's lying. Either that or just go straight into telling her that lying about something like this isn't funny and that if it's true online "counselor" or not she should go to the police.

... you know what?

It is pretty clear she is lying to you because she would have explained about the "online Counsellor" in the first email to you instead of dramatising the whole situation as if she was asking for your help.

However, the more you try to prove or disprove the story she is creating, the more difficult it will be for her to get out of the hole she is digging for herself and the more your friendship will be strained.

Don't forget, even good friends sometimes do things in a moment of madness and then regret it later, but don't know how to back out of a situation.

Do what Mothra suggested.

Back off.

She obviously has some issues to be sorted out.

Don't reply to any more of her emails.

If she sends more to you, simply reply that you are glad she has got everything sorted out with her counsellor... no more, no less - keep it short and sweet :)

If she's lying for the attention seeking thrill she will probably keep trying to involve you.

If that is the case, simply offer to tell your parents about it all and offer to call her parents for her and tell them everything she has told you.

You might also tell her that apart from those offers of help, as a friend you can do no more for her.

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