Is it true?


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lol, my pet highers my stress level. I have to walk it, feed it, basically everything I do revolves around it. But I love her. <3

But when you are lonely and need a friend or something to pet, yes, I suppose they can lowe your stress level. Maybe you can google it :(


When you're in a stressful situation, apparently if you pick up your pet and stroke it, it'll lower your blood pressure and calm you down, or something.

Whenever I'm around Cats. I'm completly stress free.

So I'd say, Yeah.

I've heard it can, but it can also have the opposite effect, as taking care of a pet is a full-time job.

Murdoch helps with my stress. I don't know what I'd do if I didn't have him. He's in a sense my will to live. I put up with life because I know he needs me, and if I were to 'go', I don't know where he'd end up.

That's actually what you're supposed to do for people who recently lost a loved one. Get them a pet. It gives them a reason to live.

I think so. I love my cat dearly, and I have no idea where I would be without him.

He shows me how to love and keeps me company when I need it most. Although he's a bit of work to take care of, by all means, it's worth it. <3

I don't have any pets, so I wouldn't know. But I feel a lot better when the cat with rabies and cross-eyes who is owned by the creepy guy a few blocks down isn't around. Maybe that's just me.

When I'm around my sweet puppies I feel alot better. <33

Is it? I have a cat, there supposed to help the most?
Well whatever your preference in pets, they are part of your family and I know I calm down a lot quicker when I got a kitty to hold.

My dog's a pain in the butt at times too, but I still love him ;) We had a relaxing walk yesterday (I hope it warms up soon, then I can walk him more often!).

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