Is it weird...


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Well-known member
Jun 27, 2010
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I had a friend named Alexis on another site.

She was AWESOME and fun to talk to.

Well, I had this sort of Hiatus, and once I came back, I heard she passed away.

I thought it was some sort of sick joke, until I visited her DA page and saw EVRYONE saying R.I.P.

I cried. Really hard. Alexis was REALLY awesome. She was too young to die.

>.< Do you guys think it's weird that I miss Alexis as much as I do?

So sad... :D

I don't think it's weird at all that you miss her as much as you do. She was one of your friends, just not in real life. I know if one of my friends on DA or here at TT passed away, I'd cry.

And, I know you don't remember this 'cause it happened a long time ago on here, but at one time, there were two girls and one of them faked death I believe. It was a bad situation to get over, I remember it being all over TT, topics about it everywhere. Sick jokes like that are never good, but sometimes you kinda wish it WOULD be a sick joke instead of the truth. I'm sorry about your friend. :(

Not weird at all. I think you may have been taken aback by it all. Like you were just talking with your friend not too long ago and now this. I'm sorry for your loss.

Definitely not weird. If I found out one of my friends online passed away, I'd cry for a long time.

Even if you've never met them face to face, you still can have a great relationship with someone online.

I'm sorry, and RIP, Alexis. <3

Why weird?

You laugh when you're happy, you cry when you're sad. Just go with your instinct.

Just because it's an online relationship you had, gives you no reason to think any less of it, correct?

Or your friend, for that matter.

I'm sorry about your friend, and may she rest in peace. <3 D;

are you sure she died? she probably just stopped using the site...

Not at all. It's great that you had that kind of rapport with a friend on another site. Just because that was an Internet friend it isn't any less painful. So sorry for your loss. RIP Alexis.

Awh, I'm sorry about your loss. As everybody else has already said, it's not weird at all that you got upset. Hell, I'd probably cry my eyes out if one of my close internet friends died.

R.I.P, Alexis

No, that's not weird at all. You had a very close bond with this person, and it will be hard to get over.

I'm sorry. R.I.P ):

It is perfectly normal that you are upset about Alexis. I am so sorry that that in peace, Alexis.

I've had many close friendships over the internet before. Losing an internet friend can be just like losing a friend you know in real life. It's perfectly normal, and I'm sorry for your loss.

Like everyone said above me, it's not weird for you to be devastated that your friend died. Online or not, she was your friend. I'm sorry for your loss, R.I.P Alexis.

Like everyone else has already pointed out, it's not weird at all.

I have so many TT friends and if anyone at all had passed away, I'd cry for so long ;______;

R.I.P, Alexis.

Its not weird at all.

I feel really sorry for Alexis D:

May she rest in peace.

I have a few online friends that if they died I would be very upset.

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