Is it wrong,


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NeverEnding A.B.Y.S.S.

Well-known member
Oct 14, 2008
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In an abyss of emptiness
For the last few days my AIM status's have been saying how great it would be to move, and how much I want too. some have been depressing, and people IM me, worried. I tell them to back off, not because I am mad, but because I have already decided.

I want to get out of this place.

I want to leave.

I want another chance.

I want a bigger school, more friends, people I can trust.

I want to be "The New Girl" again, not just "The girl everyone has known for seven years."

Is it wrong to want to move, to get a new start?

It's possible, my dad wants to stay here, but his job is being taken over, and he may or may not get a job. Even if he does, the chances he will stay here are low.

The thing is, this might not even take effect until next summer.

I don't even know if I can make it that long, with these people, they annoy me to my wits end.

I understand it sounds rude to say "I want to get rid of these people" but I'm not selfish.

These people, I have no privacy. Everyone lives in everyones' business, and I would rather have some space.

So, is it wrong to want to move?

and how can I keep myself from trying to find the edge of the earth so I can jump off just to get away from these people?

-- Me

I don't think it's wrong at all.

I've been in the same general area for 19 years. The people I went to school with in high school have known me since Pre-K and Kindergarten.

I'd give ANYTHING to be able to move out of state, but because my grandparents are here, my mom refuses to move more than 20 miles from them, and I'm nowhere near financially stable to support myself.

Even in other cities around where I grew up, I still run into people I went to school with. It's as if I just can't get away from my past, which I really need.

So no, I don't think you're wrong in wanting to move. I may be bias in thinking so, but I believe everyone has the right to want to get away, and I don't think it as selfish whatsoever.

If you do get the chance to move if/when your dad gets a new job relocation, just know I may have to envy you xP

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If you do get the chance to move if/when your dad gets a new job relocation, just know I may have to envy you xP
The other thing is, as crazy as it sounds, I think it would be better for my health too. All of the drama around here, I have a small class, (27 kids) and we don't switch classes, meaning I am stuck with the same people all day. After awhile, people do get annoyed and fight. What is worse is, somehow it always revolves around me. D:

When this happens I get severely depressed, and I stop eating for a few weeks, when I do eat it is very lightly. I understand there will still be drama, but these girls, my gosh they are MEAN.

SK: Awwwh, D: I don't like being envied. xDD

The other thing is, as crazy as it sounds, I think it would be better for my health too. All of the drama around here, I have a small class, (27 kids) and we don't switch classes, meaning I am stuck with the same people all day. After awhile, people do get annoyed and fight. What is worse is, somehow it always revolves around me. D:When this happens I get severely depressed, and I stop eating for a few weeks, when I do eat it is very lightly. I understand there will still be drama, but these girls, my gosh they are MEAN.

SK: Awwwh, D: I don't like being envied. xDD
Sadly I can relate to that as well o.o;

There was a lot of drama in my high school, which was one of the reasons I dropped out. Even after I was out of school, I'd still hear the rumors about 'how I killed myself' and 'how I was pregnant' just because I wasn't there and only told two people what had really happened.

I moved about 10 miles away to a new city, and it got better. I was less depressed, and because I didn't live so close to the people I went to school with, I didn't hear the rumors anymore, although I'm sure they still went around.

Moving to a new place does help get rid of the stress from people and schools in the past, but always remember moving in general is just plain stressful. Starting over isn't easy, but it's not really hard either.

There will always be stress in life, it's just a matter of learning how to cope with things. I'm still learning myself, lol.

I do think starting over helps a bit though.

I can't imagine you killing yourself, or getting pregnant.... o.o

I've moved twice in my lifetime, yet I've always gone to the same school (This defeats the purpose D:) It is rather painful, but I like helping things become more homey :blink:

Plus, I would rather not live in the neighborhood I do now, for more reasons than the fact that my neighbor is a rapist.

I want to move due to the fact that there is 3 people living in our house with only 1000 sq. feet!


it's a good idea if eventually you will move anyway. it's best to like the idea so when you do, things are easier. being the new gilr maybe difficult though, but there is nothing wrong with liking the idea :blink:

For the last few days my AIM status's have been saying how great it would be to move, and how much I want too. some have been depressing, and people IM me, worried. I tell them to back off, not because I am mad, but because I have already decided.
I want to get out of this place.

I want to leave.

I want another chance.

I want a bigger school, more friends, people I can trust.

I want to be "The New Girl" again, not just "The girl everyone has known for seven years."

Is it wrong to want to move, to get a new start?

It's possible, my dad wants to stay here, but his job is being taken over, and he may or may not get a job. Even if he does, the chances he will stay here are low.

The thing is, this might not even take effect until next summer.

I don't even know if I can make it that long, with these people, they annoy me to my wits end.

I understand it sounds rude to say "I want to get rid of these people" but I'm not selfish.

These people, I have no privacy. Everyone lives in everyones' business, and I would rather have some space.

So, is it wrong to want to move?

and how can I keep myself from trying to find the edge of the earth so I can jump off just to get away from these people?

-- Me
o.o FINALLY. Someone who wants begin again.

To start over.

To be a different person.

To be "the new girl", and not be known for what you have done in past 9yrs.

To make new friends.

I want to leave my school, and my home (I used to wish that an airplane could pick up my house and drop it into a new location xD). I am tired of my life the way it is. The same faces for almost a friends all remember what I was like back in grade 4 and 5, and that was kinda know, quiet, loved school, plain face/hair, glasses....I've been trying to work up my reputation from that, but it's hard when my friends can only remember the old me. <.<

Hopefully us both can start again. <3

If you do want to move, that's perfectly normal. or, maybe we're just both un-normal.

I wish I could move.

I've been in the same place for all my life.

I want to meet new people.


Meet new friends. :furawatchi:

I do not think its abnormal. I mean look at the responses you've had here - lots of people are / have been in the same boat. So I wouldn't worry. :D

Sometimes its nice to have a change, get away from people and start all again.

I don't like change. Sometimes I do.. but sometimes I don't. I get way too attached to things so easily. But thats just me. :)

I feel your pain. I really want to move too. I would miss my freinds but at least I could meet new people. I've been going into the same school since 2nd grade. I'm in sixth now.

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