is my tama fat?


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How big is your tama

  • 0-25 lbs

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  • 51-75 lbs

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  • 76-100 lbs

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  • 101 -above lbs

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Dec 18, 2004
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Tami is 1 yr old an ichigotchi and depending on when shes fed,is between 92 and 95 lbs.My friends tama is an adult,and weighs around 19 lbs.If she is fat, what is the best way to get her to lose weight without starving her?

i think yours might might be a bit chunky since yours is younger, yet heavier than your friends.

my 0 year old is always around 10-12 lbs, depending on when he is fed. when you want to get their weight down, play games with them, even if their not unhappy. the longer you last in the game the more weight they lose.

and you probably know this, but feeding a snack adds more pounds then feeding them a meal, so never feed snacks when they are hungry if you can help it. sometimes when mine is sad the only thing that makes him happy is a snack, but dont do it to often.

to win the dancing game, it helps to keep track of his/her steps on a piece of paper.

hope i helped! :angry:

thanks.yeah i knew snacks add weight.I spoil mine a bit:)(just a LITTLE)

edit:i have been playing and Tami is now at 77 lbs and getting lighter.very happy as well

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This is the fastest way to make it lose weight:

Play the jump game. Get past the 3rd hurdle, and let it fall on the 4th, or press C right before it hits it. This makes your tama lose 3 pounds, so you can do it over and over until it refuses to play anymore. At this point, it will be at, or close to its lowest weight.

This is the fastest way to make it lose weight:
Play the jump game. Get past the 3rd hurdle, and let it fall on the 4th, or press C right before it hits it. This makes your tama lose 3 pounds, so you can do it over and over until it refuses to play anymore. At this point, it will be at, or close to its lowest weight.
yeah thats what i Tami is 21 lbs.u can guess i had nothing better to do than play with it huh?


if you go here: you can see each char. "base weight". That is the weight that it can go to and its lowest point. It is good to keep it at its base weight or close to it.


Snacks are good for when you are at schoool/work. Then, when you get home, you can play with it.

by the way.....your tama cant gain weight over 99. So, the poll where tis over 99 is erelevent! LOL :angry: :angry: thats just a hamdy thing to know.

[edit - where it says cant, before i put can...i did it by, just letting you know that i have edited it :D

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I always play with mine so it stays thin.Also to get it to play the jumping game when it says no give it a candy.

hey riel!!! this is off topic but i saw your avatar (yellowcard). i like them too! they came to my skool and played music durring lunch!!! my friends got autographs and all! cool huh? i didn't watch them cuz i didn't kno who they were, but now i see them all the time on MTV. :D just an interesting fact.

If you dont care for it it will get Fa-Chunky. Mine is a teen and weighs 51 lb. I know its kind of a lot but im working on it.

I find playing games is very useful to losing

weight but the problem with this is that when

you get to twenty-two lbs you have to feed

it some snacks to get it going again but if

you a jar with a pair of scales in for 1000p

in your shop if it is possible to buy that for

your tamagotchi then i would because it takes

thirty lbs of your origanal weight!

Hope i helped


Tama luva

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