Is there anyone on Tamatalk?


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one person: tsu-tsu. She's my best friend in real life. I told her about TamaTalk ^^

I know only [SIZE=14pt]ONE[/SIZE] and the name is [SIZE=14pt]sweetygal1024[/SIZE] or something like that :) LOL! :D B)

I know Miss.Sarah.♥

She is mah best pal who lives back in California.. :wacko:

She is barely ever on Tamatalk, but she is a great friend!


My best friend IRL, who used to be muffin/bunny, yes. But she stopped getting on. :wacko: Otherwise, nobody else.

I know Gunk [who isn't active at the moment] and Peatroluver [or something like that! can't remember the actual letters and numbers] which also is cutiepoo [plus some numbers which I don't know].

They both are family members.

boy I wish I knew people on here in real life :(

but I don't think any of my friends are into tamas anyway :)

Yeah, there are 2 people in here who I know in real life.

Debby600 and Usagi12.

Nope. I don't know anyone on tamatalk in real life.
Maybe you do... but they don't know who you are and neighter do you! LOL!

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