is this a good idea?


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Well-known member
Feb 18, 2005
Reaction score
so close, yet so far
ok, i had my 3 tamas stolen a month or two ago (i think it was then, anyway), and i just got a v3.

at my school, during late 2004 adn early 2005 there was a tama craze--EVERY girl in my grade had at least 1 tama connection (v1 obviously). a few got v2s when they came out.

so, do you think a tama "orphanage/foster home" of sorts would be a good idea--like, i convince them to give me their tamas, but if they want to... er, re-adopt them (?), they could.

anyone think thats a good idea? anyone think it'd work?

Hmm. Very interesting. Well, I say give it a shot and see how it works. No harm in trying!

Hmm, I do not really understand...

I don't think that they would give you their Tamagotchi's. I wouldn't trust other people with something like that.

well, the reason i think they might is because i'm the only person in the entire grade that does ANYTHING with them. everyone else got them when they were popular and then forgot them when they weren't anymore.

I have tamasat tamas before. It's really fun and easy. :3

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