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Well-known member
Feb 10, 2007
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I am wondering something... has anyone ever experienced the feeling where you just don't want to eat, and you're not hungry, and the feeling goes on for days on end? well, I feel that way. my mom has to watch me eat, and i don't want to. I'm just not hungry! this has been going on for 3 weeks, and I am skinny to begin with. I lost weight when I was sick, but I have been better for a while. ever since then, I don't want to eat, and my mom wants me to drink these protien drinks. I am NOT vomiting up my food. does anyone know how bad this is, and what is wrong with my stomach? ^_^

To be honest pickles52, I don't think we TamaTalkers are going to be much help to you....

If you are genuinely worried about this, then talk about it with your Mum and go see the Doctor for a professional diagnosis and proper medical attention (unless it's a different kind of attention you are looking for?)

I'm really sorry, but we're not Doctors - we can't tell you what is wrong with your stomach :(

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It's normal to not want to eat for a day or two once in a while but more than 2 days can be a problem. I'd see a doctor.

YES ALL THE TIME ABOUT!!! Sometimes i am realy wanting to eat but others i dont eat at all!!!! :blink:

I'm not sure what to tell u pickles52. U told me u have not been hungry for more than 2 weeks by pm. And I feel like this could help. Well if u r losing weight it could be good but not if u are already skinny and if its a lot. If u arent hungry and need to eat then force urself to eat. Maybe ask ur mom to go buy some of ur favorite meals and then it might be easier. Just tell urself its better 4 u to eat then not to cause ur body knows what it wants but sometimes it gets confused and tells u the wrong thing. So just eat and 4 once dont listen 2 ur body. It might not be good cause u dont want to eat it but at least ur doing something to be healthy. best of luck.

That happens to me each year and the doctor can't explain it so I drink warm drinks and sleep. Its not cure but it helps. Last time I ate anyway even when I felt sick because in the first week of feeling ill and not eating I lost 4 kgs or about 8 pounds. Scary!!! I thin enough without that. So just eat and visit a doctor, they might figure it out.

well, i think i will see a doctor and tell my mom. thanks for the advice animallover45! if all i have to do is see a doctor, then there is no use of this topic i guess :blink:

can someone please close this topic?

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