Is this girl serious?


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Well-known member
Jun 21, 2009
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I mean, really?

Awh, come on guys, don't be mean. D:

It's not polite to laugh at people like that.

She enjoys singing (I assume from all the song videos), so that's that.

Awh, come on guys, don't be mean. D:It's not polite to laugh at people like that.

She enjoys singing (I assume from all the song videos), so that's that.
I was about to say the same thing. You took the words right outta my mou--er keyboard. xD

Agreed with Jae, Katie, and Krystal.

She enjoys singing, and wants to put that out to the world.

Give her a chance. If singing's what appeals to her, let her do it.


Awh, come on guys, don't be mean. D:It's not polite to laugh at people like that.

She enjoys singing (I assume from all the song videos), so that's that.


She enjoys singing--what's so wrong with that? Sure, she may not be the most perfect singer, but that's no reason to say mean things about her. That girl has the voice of a dying chicken. (No offence. lol) Does she really think she has a voice??
That's a disgrace to dying chickens XD

Okay, being serious, she's pretty bad but I've heard much, much worse. Maybe she just picked the wrong song.

Totally.One day maybe.Possibly.She could make it to number 100 on the list.If you block one ear,poke your tongue out,close your eyes and thnk about icecream its sounds kinda sweett.

Wow, shes worser than ME!

And I consider myself terrible!

But, in a way, she's kinda good.

I've seen one of her videos before, and I actually left her kind of a nice comment because all the other ones were so mean.

She looks like she tries so hard, and maybe singing is like the one thing that she loves to do. Even if she sucks, I'll just let her sing and if I don't like it then I'm not gonna say anything rude to her~

I'm sorry, but she's absolutely awful!!

She has guts though, so props to her on that.

She must be a pretty brave person to do what she loves despite all the criticism.
