is this guy for real


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Well-known member
Mar 8, 2007
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Christchurch New Zealand
At my best mates old school the bible in school teacher asked who believedin God and her little sister Stella put her hand up and said

'my sister Brileigh doesnt believe in God'

and the teachers reply was

'well Brileighs going to go to hell and burn in there along with the rest of you who dont believe'

Ever since then Stella been too scared to not believe in God and they had to move school because the teacher was harrasing Brileigh about not believing.

Is this ok for this guy to scare kids into believing or is it up to you to choose with out being told whats right or wrong?

Oh goodness no! D: I question the faith of those kind of people themselves!

It's up to the person to choose- I believe that there's only God's way or you are seperated from Him eternaly but that's just rude, insensitive and unChrist like to do that to someone. I believe you tell them what you believe, answer questions, ect. but never ever try to shove it down their thoats. That just pushes them away.

That wasn't right of him to do that and please keep in mind that is NOT the way he should be acting.

thats pathetic, scaring a kid into beleiving?!?! i cant beleive that! i dont beleive, and everyone i know knows that... even when i went to church they all knew!!!

people have rights and choices, and they can beleive whatever they want! make sure whoever that idiot said that to knows hes a complete and utter hypocrite, your friend or whatever might not beleive cuz your friend or whatever doesnt know for sure about god or jeasus *sorry* but he doesnt know for sure either, maybe that idiot dude doesnt beleive either? he'll "burn in hell" too. you know what, i hate people like that!!! i'd keep talking, but i cant, this is too upsetting and pathetic!!!

The girl was just a kid. It isn't her fault... maybe those values aren't instilled on the children in the family. My friend's parents are separated and have different religions, so they argue about that a lot. So they never have sent my friend to church or told her about God. She said that she doesn't believe in God, and that she thinks even He has to have a creator. She is still an AMAZING person and I love her to death (as a friend, not any other way xD). I'm Christian, and we were told that it is actually okay to question why some things are the way they are in our religion. Like priests can only be men... God didn't decide that. People did.


Personally, I don't think God will send you to Hell if you don't believe in him- that is, if you didn't know much about him. But I still have a lot to learn. I hope to get confirmed next fall. :)


But, the guy shouldn't have done that. It is none of his business what kind of religion someone is. Your relationship with God/Jesus can be as private as you want. No one said you had to stand up and say, "Believe or die!!"



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It is wrong, she can believe what she likes. You should tell the Principle because it isn't his job to force believing in god to young children who can make their own decisions.


That's messed up.

Obviously that teacher is a little to deep into their religon.

It's a choice of what a person thinks, and why.

If god was sending anybody to hell, i don't think it would be the kids. :furawatchi:

Well, if the teacher had ever bothered to read the Rights of the USA, assuming that is where this took place, it says that religious preachings are NOT allowed in public schools. This teacher could lose her license or whatever for this crap. I've got nothing against religious people, as my own personal beliefs are vastly influenced by Norse Mythology, and by the movie Dogma. Which stated that no religion is truly correct, and it does not matter what type of god you have faith in, but that you HAVE faith is what's important.

Seriously, I am SOOOOO tempted to talk to that woman and tell her God is a lie. Just to see what she says.

This teacher was wrong. Religion shouldn't be forced on anyone. They have the right to believe in what they want to.

Even if you don't believe in God, it doesn't necessarily mean you're going to hell. If you lived a good life and did what you were supposed to do there's no reason to go there in my opinion.

This teacher doesn't seem like the right person to be teaching religion, since he is basically bribing the children in a way to believe in God.

Oh goodness no! D: I question the faith of those kind of people themselves!
It's up to the person to choose- I believe that there's only God's way or you are seperated from Him eternaly but that's just rude, insensitive and unChrist like to do that to someone. I believe you tell them what you believe, answer questions, ect. but never ever try to shove it down their thoats. That just pushes them away.

That wasn't right of him to do that and please keep in mind that is NOT the way he should be acting.
UD better go down there and tell the principal about this its not right! no way!!!!

At my best mates old school the bible in school teacher asked who believedin God and her little sister Stella put her hand up and said 'my sister Brileigh doesnt believe in God'

and the teachers reply was

'well Brileighs going to go to hell and burn in there along with the rest of you who dont believe'

Ever since then Stella been too scared to not believe in God and they had to move school because the teacher was harrasing Brileigh about not believing.

Is this ok for this guy to scare kids into believing or is it up to you to choose with out being told whats right or wrong?
Cluck_Cluck_Chicken is just trying to get attention >.>

I think ill close this

Uh... you can't just ":close:" something. You have to get a guide to close it for you.

I'm a guide but there's nothing wrong with this topic so it's staying open.

Number 1 that teacher should be fired from his job... I can just imagine what he's doing to the other kids... Forcing kids to believe is wrong... And he sounds like a nutcase by saying those words...

That teacher's got a big problem. :furawatchi: Like everyone else said, nobody, let alone a teacher, should force you into believing anything. I actually think what she did was illegal. At my school, we have a policy: No student is to be treated differently than any other because of thier race, age, religion, place of origin, sex, or sexual orientation. I think all schools have a policy similar to that. Wow. That teacher is a real jerk. I believe there is no hell. If God is really so loving, why would he send people who don't believe in him to hell? Sorry, that just sounds far-fetched to me. :furawatchi: This is just my belief, don't hurt me, please. xD

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At my best mates old school the bible in school teacher asked who believedin God and her little sister Stella put her hand up and said 'my sister Brileigh doesnt believe in God'

and the teachers reply was

'well Brileighs going to go to hell and burn in there along with the rest of you who dont believe'

Ever since then Stella been too scared to not believe in God and they had to move school because the teacher was harrasing Brileigh about not believing.

Is this ok for this guy to scare kids into believing or is it up to you to choose with out being told whats right or wrong?
that is completely innapropriate for anywhere. i'm glad i don't know that man

Cluck_Cluck_Chicken is just trying to get attention >.>
You can't say that! I'm not so low as to make up a story to get attention. I wouldn't waste my time doing this if I was attention seeking. Please grow some manners or don't say anything.

Your the one in the wrong here.

Well, if the teacher had ever bothered to read the Rights of the USA, assuming that is where this took place, it says that religious preachings are NOT allowed in public schools. This teacher could lose her license or whatever for this crap. I've got nothing against religious people, as my own personal beliefs are vastly influenced by Norse Mythology, and by the movie Dogma. Which stated that no religion is truly correct, and it does not matter what type of god you have faith in, but that you HAVE faith is what's important.
Seriously, I am SOOOOO tempted to talk to that woman and tell her God is a lie. Just to see what she says.
I'm in New Zealand so I don't know if its illegal here or not...

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