Is this JUST a phase?


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Your surrounding environment has a high influence on the social choices you make. You have new friends, I bet they listen to the music you listen to, dress the way you do, and act the way you do (or close to it) if so, then its just you adapting to your new surroundings. Its like when you take a penguin from the arctic and put it into a new environment, they will live (as long as its cold enough and there is enough food), but they change their lifestyle to be able to survive in the new surroundings, they may hunt for food differently, sleep in new types of places compared to what they used to do, they may become a loaner or they may seek out other penguins to join a group to help survive. You adapt to your surroundings, so if those surroundings change, that means the influence has changed.

If your new friends arent at all like the new you, then it could just be that your tastes are changing. Nothing wrong with listening to new music, if you wanted to change your clothing to running around in some tribal clothing or something it would be fine, as long as you are being YOU. Listen to whatever you like, dress the way you are COMFORTABLE, not what is in style lol, and if you dont like your new friends, find better ones, dont think about cliques and groups and being labeled. With my experience in high school, yes, there are groups and labels, but not as many as middle school, or at least around here that is.

All in all, you are normal hun. I used to listen to all this girly music, then I got into middle school and started listening to more pop music, then by 8th grade I was listening to alternative, now I listen to anything pretty much (except rap, just doesnt float my boat) because it doesnt matter to me what kind it is, as long as it sounds good lol. Congrats on growing up some more! You are on your way to adulthood! Enjoy the ride!!!

I know exactly where ur coming from when i was 12 almost 13 (prob abput ur age) I moved to a new house and lost my best friend. Everything was falling apart and i didnt fit in with my new skool. Everyone was black or mexican or fighters or gang bangers or what not. Then here i am little white girl that only fits in bcuz i can dance. Soon I got into depression and did things i promised myself i would never do. But after awhile i learned to like who i was and soon i found those friends that would help me become the happy person i used to be. so my advice would be to look for the ones that either are like you or seem to care about you. It is okay if there not like ur old friends cuz it looks like your changing a lot 2. And as for the music, iwhat everybody is saying theres nothing wrong w/ that!

^ Really? That is kinda weird. Well, I'm kinda happy with the way I am now. I mean...I'm still the way I described myself, in a way. But I'm happier, which is good. So thanks, guys. :huh:
yeah I see what you mean

if we all listened to the same music our whole life, we'd still be singing about teletubbies. sometimes change is a GOOD thing... :D

if we all listened to the same music our whole life, we'd still be singing about teletubbies. sometimes change is a GOOD thing... ;)
I still sing teletubbies! And I listen to it a few times a day too XD

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